Page 15 - 112中文衛福年報簡介
P. 15

2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report Introduction

             查核 12 萬 717 家次,食品良好衛               inspection passed rate of over 90%. A total of 590,000 food and
                                                related products were inspected and sampled, resulting in a pass
             生規範準則合格率達 9 成以上;食
                                                rate of 99%.
             59 萬件,合格率達 99%。
                                                We actively enhance the regulatory framework for Medicinal product
                                                management, aligning it with international standards, to ensure
                                                the management of drug sources, quality, and safety monitoring,
                                                thereby safeguarding the public's drug safety. We reinforced the
                                                flow management of controlled drugs and expanded the items being
             強化管制藥品流向管理及擴大列                     controlled. We implement anti-drug strategies, and intensify efforts
             管品項;落實反毒策略,加強藥                     to prevent drug abuse, as well as enhance inspections of imported
             物濫用防制宣導及進口原料藥查                     active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), simultaneously, improving
                                                our testing capabilities. The annual rate of illicit drug seizures has
                                                significantly decreased from 11.81% in 2010 to 2.47% in 2022.
             藥物查獲率已由 99 年之 11.81%
                                                Furthermore, we have refined the regulations under the "Medical
             大幅下降至 111 年之 2.47%。此
                                                Devices Act" and "Cosmetic Hygiene and Safety Act," implemented
             外, 精進「醫 療器 材 管理 法」及                diversified mechanisms to manage medical devices on the market,
            「化粧品衛生安全管理法」各項規                     strengthened regulatory consultations and guidance, and promoted
             定,落實多元上市管理機制,強                     industry development. We continue to ensure that the manufacturing
                                                and distribution operations of drugs and medical devices comply
                                                with international standards such as PIC/S GMP and ISO 13485. We
                                                also promote compliance with the international ISO 22716 standard
             運銷作業符合國際PIC/S GMP及
                                                for cosmetic manufacturing facilities. Additionally, we have issued
             ISO13485 標準;並推動化粧品製
                                                the "Regulations for the Post-market Monitoring of Chinese Medicine
             造場所符合國際ISO22716 標準。                Product," with 90% compliance rate for Chinese medicine materials
             另發布「上市中藥監測辦法」,                     and 97% compliance rate for Chinese medicine preparations. In
                                                September 2021, we announced the fourth edition of the Taiwan
             111 年中藥材合格率 90%,中藥
                                                Herbal Pharmacopeia, and the English version was published
             製劑合格率 97%。110 年 9 月公
                                                in 2022, enhancing the quality management of Chinese herbal
             告臺灣中藥典第四版,於 111 年
                                                medicines and aligning with international standards.
             並與國際接軌。                            In response to the management of various product needs, we have
                                                actively developed testing methods. In 2022, we promulgated,
                                                amended, published or revised a total of 74 testing methods. We
             發檢驗方法,111 年新增或修訂                   also participated in 33 international collaborative research projects
             檢驗方法達 74 篇,參與 33 場國                or laboratory proficiency testing programs, receiving international

             際共同研究或實驗室間能力比對,                    recognition. Furthermore, we conducted risk management and
                                                crisis handling seminars to strengthen our capacity for food and
                                                drug safety crisis management and emergency response. We
                                                utilized emerging media platforms such as Facebook and the
                                                TFDA LINE@ to disseminate timely information on food, drugs,
                                                medical devices, and cosmetics, enhancing the public's knowledge
             LINE@,即時傳播食藥醫粧知識及                  and understanding of relevant policies and promoting accurate
             政策,提升民眾正確知能。                       awareness among the public.

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