Page 13 - 112中文衛福年報簡介
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2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report Introduction

             質公開資訊,以確保各類長期照                     continuing improvement; thus, to provide people long-term care
                                                services that are accessible, affordable, and premium in quality.


                             Communicable Disease Control

              傳染病防治為保障全民健康,甚                    Communicable disease prevention protects people's health and
                                                is even an important link in national security. The "Communicable
                                                Disease Control Act" and "HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights
                                                Protection Act" serve as key regulations governing infectious
                                                diseases prevention and control. Also, for communicable diseases
                                                that can be prevented with a vaccine, the MOHW has continued
                                                to promote the national vaccination policy. At present, 10 vaccines
              預防的傳染病,衛福部疾管署持                    are available to children free of charge and can prevent 15
              續推行國家預防接種政策,目前                    communicable diseases.
              幼童免費常規疫苗共 10 項,可預
                                                In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Taiwan officially designated
              防 15 種傳染病。
                                                COVID-19 as a Category V communicable disease on January
              因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎                       15, 2020. This was followed by the establishment of the Central
             (COVID-19)疫情,我國於 109 年             Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on January 20 the same year
                                                to take charge of the mobilization required to meet the emergency.
              1 月 15 日公告新增COVID-19 為第
                                                To achieve the goal of epidemic prevention and control, the CECC
              五類法定傳染病;同年 1 月 20 日
                                                has taken all necessary measures and coordinated epidemic
                                                prevention efforts. On February 25, 2020, the Legislative Yuan
                                                passed the "Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization
              疫應變動員措施。立法院於 109 年
                                                Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens." Due to
              2 月 25 日通過《嚴重特殊傳染性肺               the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide in 2021, the
              炎防治及紓困振興特別條例》,後                   aforementioned regulation was further amended to extend its
              因 110 年COVID-19 疫情於國際間            implementation period until June 30, 2023. Additionally, considering
                                                the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, the 14th meeting of
                                                the 5th session of the 10th term of the Legislative Yuan, held on
              行期間至 112 年 6 月 30 日止;復
                                                May 27, 2022, passed a resolution to extend the implementation
              衡酌COVID-19 疫情變化快速,立
                                                periods of the said regulation and its special budget until June
              法院於 111 年 5 月 27 日第 10 屆
                                                30, 2023. The MOHW continues to amend related regulations
              第 5 會期第 14 次會議決議,同意
                                                and orders. In response to the pandemic, in order to provide a
              延長該條例及其特別預算施行期間                   collaborative treatment model between Western and Chinese
              至 112 年 6 月 30 日止,本部並配            medicine for confirmed COVID-19 cases, the government has been

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