Page 9 - 112中文衛福年報簡介
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2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report Introduction
目與推動擴大不孕症治療(試管嬰 the subsidization for infertility treatment (IVF) has been expanded.
These measures are intended to enhance reproductive health.
另,為提升高齡人口生活品質、 In addition, in light of population aging, we are committed to helping
延緩慢性病威脅,積極推動高齡 seniors to improve the quality of their lives by mitigating the threat
of chronic diseases. Active efforts have been made to promote
age-friendly cities and community programs, as well as to provide
guidance to healthcare institutions in delivering age-friendly care
服務, 111 年共 174 個社區參與,
services. In 2022, 174 communities participated in a coverage rate
高齡友善社區涵蓋率為 47%。887
of 47% for age-friendly communities. 887 healthcare institutions
家高齡友善健康照護機構認證, were certified as age-friendly and health-focused. Together, these
共同營造健康老化尊嚴社會。 initiatives aim to foster a society that values healthy aging and dignity
for all.
Health Care
為建構敏捷韌性醫療照護體系, To construct an agile and resilient healthcare system, the Ministry has
continued to promote the plan of health care network which includes
the balance of medical resources in each regional hospital, the progress
of emergency medical network, and the fulfill of local medical care via
regional emergency. The "Hospice Palliative Care Act" and "Patient
Right to Autonomy Act" were implemented to protect patient's rights
緩和醫療條例」及「病人自主權利 of hospice, while the "Program for Excellence in Child Health Care"
法」,保障病人善終權;辦理「優 were conducted to reinforce the comprehensive child health care since
perinatal period.
In order to promote equal oral care for the entire population,
為落實均等全人口腔照護,推動各 various oral health policies targeting different life stages have been
implemented. Furthermore, efforts have been made to strengthen
medical services for individuals with special needs. As of 2020,
需求者醫療服務,109 年 12 歲學
the dental caries experience index for 12-year-old students has
童齲齒經驗指數下降至 2.01 顆。
decreased to 2.01 teeth.
In terms of mental health, a mental health promotion program
促進方案、提供 24 小時 1925 心
has been implemented, and a 24-hour 1925 suicide prevention
hotline is provided for psychological support, and "Mental Health
與關懷訪視;補助地方政府辦理精 Network Promotion Project" is promoted for suicide reporting cases
神衛生法定各項業務,提供精神 visiting and caring. In addition, the Ministry subsidized municipal