Page 10 - 112中文衛福年報簡介
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112 年版 衛生福利年報簡介
病人社區關懷訪視保護、強制住 governments to promote several mental health affairs which is
stipulated by law, such as paying follow-up visits to psychotic
patients in the community and mandatory hospitalization/community
treatment and so on. The Ministry has also continued to provide
diverse resources to bolster medical care for drug addicts and
fee subsidies for addiction treatment for patients with drug or
品質。 alcohol addiction. The MOHW also conducted forensic psychiatry
medical work to optimize the service quality of forensic psychiatry
在醫事人力方面,訂定 15 類醫
In terms of medical manpower, Taiwan currently has 15 laws
訓練、專科醫師甄審領證及畢業 and regulations governing the licensing requirements of medical
後一般醫學訓練計畫,111 年醫 personnel and the Ministry has continued to organize and host talent
事人員執業人數共計 35 萬 4,101 training, education program and OTJ training for different medical
personnel, specialist physician certification programs and general
post-graduated medical training programs. As of 2022, Taiwan
院醫師自 108 年 9 月 1 日起適用
had 354, 101 practicing health professionals. In addition, effective
from September 1, 2019, resident physicians shall be subject to
the Labor Standards Act amendment of the Medical Care Act and
此外,為減少醫療糾紛,促進醫 has been promoted by adding a draft section on the labor rights
病關係和諧,持續進行生產高風 of physicians. Also, in an effort to reduce disputes over medical
險管控及通報機制,辦理生產事 care and harmonize physician-patient relationships, the MOHW has
故救濟,111 年度審定核予救濟 continued to conduct high birth risk control and report mechanism,
and provided relief for childbirth accidents approved a total of 311
計 311 件,及積極推動多元化訴
applications in 2022 while actively promoting diverse alternative
訟外處理機制,並於 111 年 6 月
dispute resolution mechanisms. On June 22, 2022, the "Medical
22 日經總統公布制定「醫療事故
Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act" was enacted and
publicly announced by the President. On top of that, a clinical training
醫師臨床訓練制度,111 年輔導 system for Chinese medical physicians is going to be established. In
133 家院所收訓 555 位學員進行 2022, guided 133 institutions to accept 555 students for responsible
負責醫師訓練;並試辦中醫專科醫 doctor training, and conducted trial training for specialized Chinese
medicine doctors.
於醫療服務品質方面,推行醫院 With regards to improving the quality of medical care, the Ministry
評鑑制度,111 年底計有 415 家 sought to promote a patient-centered hospital accreditation system,
as of the end of 2022, a total of 415 hospitals were certified,
stipulated annual objectives for healthcare quality and patient
safety and a patient safety reporting system. By persuading and
promoting organ donation and establishing a database for organ
transplant data, the Ministry maintained the effective operation
of EMR Exchange Center to enable interinstitutional exchange of
增進國民健康。111 年電子病歷 records improving the health of citizens. In 2022, the EMR Exchange
交換中心完成OHCA及TRAUMA Center (EEC) completed the development of two critical care record