Page 12 - 112中文衛福年報簡介
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112 年版 衛生福利年報簡介


                                   Long-Term Care Services

                    臺灣整體人口結構受少子女化及                    Taiwan's population structure is affected by low birth rate and an
                                                      increase in life expectancy. The population aged 65 years and older
                    國民平均壽命延長影響,65 歲
                                                      has been growing rapidly. As of the end of March 2018, Taiwan
                    以上人口急遽增加,在我國 107
                                                      officially became an aged society and, by 2026, the population aged
                    年 3 月底正式進入高齡社會,至
                                                      65 and over is expected to reach 21%, consequently making Taiwan
                    115 年預計老人人口將占總人口
                                                      a "super-aged" society. In light of this trend, there's greater urgency to
                    21%,成為超高齡社會。據此,                   establish a sound long-term care system, to develop human resource
                    建設健全長期照顧服務體系、發                    and facilities, and to ensure service quality. Consequently, the Ministry
                                                      began its implementation of the MOHW's National Long-term Care
                                                      10-year Plan 2.0 (hereafter referred to as "Long-Term Care Plan 2.0")
                    其重要性,故本部於 106 年起實
                                                      from January 2017 to promote an integrated Community Care Service
                    施長照十年計畫 2.0(以下稱長照
                                                      Networks as a response to the long-term care needs of Taiwan's
                                                      aging population.
                                                      The MOHW has been working to integrate different services into
                                                      the community-based integrated care service network based on
                                                      the basic concept of cultivating community integrated service
                    整合型服務中心(A)、擴充各類長                  centers ("A"), expanding combined service center ("B"), and
                    照服務提供單位(B)、廣設巷弄長                  widely establishing long-term care stations around the blocks ("C")
                    照站(C)為原則,鼓勵各縣市政                   throughout Taiwan. All municipalities have been encouraged to
                                                      work with long-term care service providers, medical care, nursing
                                                      institutions and non-profit organizations. The Long-Term Care Hotline
                                                      "1966" offers efficient assistance for those seeking for long-term
                    可撥打 1966 長照服務專線,經所
                                                      care services. The care managers will visit their home to assess the
                                                      disability levels for long-term care services based on their needs and
                    需要等級者,協助連結民眾所需                    link people with resources to meet their further needs. In 2022, the
                    之長照服務,111 年長照 2.0 服務              coverage rate of the Long-Term Care 2.0 services reached 69.51%.
                    涵蓋率達 69.51%。
                                                      Since Long-Term Care 2.0 was launched, there has been a big
                    長照 2.0 推動以來,服務資源及人                increase in service resources and personnel. In the future, the

                    數已大幅成長,未來除將持續拓                    MOHW will continue to put emphasis on setting up residential
                                                      institutions as well as expanding home-based and community-
                                                      based long-term care resources and strengthening long-term care
                                                      manpower. The following important mission of Long-Term Care 2.0
                    住宿式機構。長照 2.0 下一階段的
                                                      is to enhance the guidance and management capability of municipal
                                                      government, improve mechanisms required under the Long-Term
                    與管理量能、完備長期照顧服務                    Care Services Act and establish open information to ensure the
                    法相關規範機制以及建立服務品                    service quality of various long-term care service resources and

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