Page 8 - 113中文衛福年報 有聲書
P. 8
113 年版 衛生福利年報簡介
03 健康支持環境
An Environment Conducive to Health
In order to achieve the goal of "Health for All," the Health Promotion
Administration has been steadfast in promoting comprehensive
monitoring and surveys of the entire population and different life
stages. This effort aims to establish a comprehensive dataset for
monitoring and utilizing health promotion throughout the life course,
national dietary nutrition, and non-communicable disease prevention
應用。 and control.
In terms of health promotion, we have actively promoted healthy
lifestyles in different settings to raise health literacy for the general
能。與教育部、勞動部、22 縣市 public. We collaborate with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor
政府等跨部門合作,推行健康促 and 22 municipal governments across Taiwan to promote various
進學校、健康職場、健康醫院及 programs for Health Promoting Schools, Healthy Workplace, Healthy
健康城市等計畫,應用渥太華憲 Hospitals, Healthy Cities and so forth. Guided by the Ottawa Charter
章,從政策面、健康環境、社區 for Health Promotion, we endeavor to build health policy, create
supportive environments, strengthen community action, offer health
services and enhance personal health behaviors as pillars that steer
our system of health services. Our services shall be people-centered
and enable the general public to systematically reduce risk factors
to health, such as tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet, lack of physical
體活動不足),協助民眾實踐健康 activities and so forth, so that people can live healthier lifestyles.
生活,截至 112 年底,共有 4,040 As of the end of 2023, there are 4,040 Health Promoting Schools,
家健康促進學校、3 萬 1,236 家健 31,236 Healthy Workplaces, 203 Healthy hospitals and 43 National
康職場、203 家健康醫院,43 個 Community Nutrition Promotion Centers. Also, subsidization was
provided to 22 counties and cities to promote age-friendly initiatives,
社區營養推廣中心,另補助 22 縣
making health a top priority for the leaders in their governance agenda.
With regards to health care measures, we offer a variety of services
including prenatal checkups for pregnant women, neonatal
congenital metabolic disorder screening, newborn hearing
screening, children's preventive healthcare, joint assessment of child
development, adult preventive healthcare services, chronic disease
prevention, cancer screening, comprehensive smoking cessation
services and so forth. Through these services, we stand a better
症篩檢、多元戒菸服務等,透過 chance of early detection of symptoms, so that preemptive care can
各式服務以期早期發現異常早期 be administered to protect the health of the general public. In 2021,
照護,以維護國人健康。110 年 additional increases in the number and scope of prenatal checkups