Page 7 - 113中文衛福年報 有聲書
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report Introduction  01

                  02         衛生福利重要指標

                             Health and Welfare Indicators

                                                Rising incomes, advances in medicine and health care, and greater
                                                health awareness have led to a gradual increase in Taiwan's life
                                                expectancy. Nevertheless, relevant issues of health and care that
                                                come with an aging population may affect not only national health
                                                expenditure (NHE) and resource distributions, but also the rate of
             出與資源配置,亦牽動國家整體經                    economic growth. In this chapter, we will present a summary of key
             濟成長動能,本篇將簡要陳述衛生                    indicators in health and welfare statistics.
                                                At the end of 2023, Taiwan had a registered population of 23.42
             112 年底我國戶籍登記 2,342 萬               million, which is an increase of 6.70‰ compared with the previous

             人,較去年增 6.70‰,人口結構                  year. Life expectancy in Taiwan reached 80.2 in 2023. Women live
             續呈幼年人口比率降低,老年人口                    longer than men.
             比率提高之現象;112 年平均壽命
                                                In 2023, there were 206 thousand deaths and the crude mortality
             為 80.2 歲,女性較男性長壽。
                                                rate was 880.7 per 100 thousand - a decrease of 1.5% compared
             112 年國人死亡人數 20.6 萬人,死              to the previous year. The top three leading causes were cancer,
                                                heart disease and pneumonia. Being the leading cause of death,
             亡率為每十萬人口 880.7 人,較去
                                                cancer claimed 53 thousand lives and on average, 146 people were
             年下降 1.5%;前三大死因為癌症、
                                                dying of cancer each day. Further calculation indicates that every 9
                                                minutes and 53 seconds, a person would die because of cancer.
             人數 5.3 萬人,平均每天有 146 人              The duration is 14 seconds shorter compared to that from 2022.
             死於癌症,即每 9 分 53 秒就有 1

             人因癌症死亡,較去年快 14 秒。                  Taiwan's National Health Expenditure (NHE) has shown steady
                                                growth. The figure has reached NTD 1.7 trillion in 2022. NHE as a
                                                share of GDP increased from 6.9% in 2012 to 7.5%, while per capita
             111 年達 1.7 兆元,占GDP比率由              NHE increased from NTD 43,337 to NTD 72,687.
             101 年 之 6.9%增 至 7.5%;平 均
             每人醫療保健支出由 4.3 萬元增至                 By the end of 2023, a total of 252,000 households, encompassing

             7.3 萬元。                            564,000 people, were included in the social assistance program for
                                                low-income and middle-low-income households. An amount of 4.7
             112 年底納入社會救助保障之低收                  billion NTD was allocated to provide child living assistance to low-
             入户及中低收入戶共 25.2 萬戶、                 income households and children from vulnerable families, aiming to
             56.4 萬人。提供低收入戶及弱勢等                 sustain their fundamental standard of living.
             家庭之兒童生活扶助金額共 47 億

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