Page 5 - 113中文衛福年報 有聲書
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report Introduction
address the current nursing workforce shortage and improve working
conditions and benefits. We are establishing a dedicated platform
for friendly nursing workplaces, encouraging hospitals to publicly
share information on nursing labor conditions for a positive practice
environment. We are also strengthening non-litigation medical dispute
resolution mechanisms by piloting the "Diverse Two-Way Medical
另因應 112 年本土登革熱疫情,成立「登革
Dispute Resolution Mechanism" to reduce medical disputes and
promote harmonious doctor-patient relationships. Furthermore, we are
restructuring the salary system for social workers in private institutions to
retain frontline professionals, strengthen public-private partnerships, and
動「護理人力政策整備 12 項策略計畫」,跨
implement the concept of a robust social safety net.
人員之勞動條件及薪資福利;建置友善護理 In light of the rise in sexual harassment cases and the "#MeToo"
職場專區,鼓勵醫院公開職場勞動條件資訊, movement that gained momentum in Taiwan in 2023, the MOHW worked
帶動正向護理執業環境;強化訴訟外醫療糾 closely with the Executive Yuan to comprehensively review the three
紛處理機制,辦理「多元雙向醫療爭議處理 gender equality laws and amend the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act.
機制試辦計畫」,以減少醫療糾紛、促進醫 Through amending and strengthening laws and mechanisms, we aim to
病關係和諧;調整補助民間單位社工人員薪 create a gender-friendly environment. To further enhance the protection
資制度,鼓勵第一線社會工作專業人才留任, service system, MOHW has established the "Sexual Image Abuse
促進公私協力,落實社會安全網理念。 Reporting Center," which provides immediate assistance to minors,
鑒於性騷擾案件頻傳,112 年在臺灣掀 adults, and victims facing threats or the dissemination of sexual images,
起「#Me Too」運動風潮,本部配合行政院通 swiftly removing such images to prevent secondary harm.
盤檢討性平三法,修正《性騷擾防治法》,藉 The 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) was held in Geneva,
由修訂健全的法令與機制,營造性別友善環 Switzerland, in May 2023, marking the first post-pandemic era
境;另為完善保護服務體系,本部成立「性影 participation by MOHW's former Minister Jui-Yuan Hsueh, leading
像處理中心」,及時提供遭性影像散布或威 the "WHO Action Team" to engage in medical and health cooperation
脅的兒少及成年被害人協助與服務,儘速移 exchanges. We sought bilateral meetings with key countries and
除下架性影像,防止被害人遭受二次傷害。 international health organizations, hosted professional forums and
第 76 屆世界衛生大會(WHA)於 112 年 international press conferences, and actively participated in professional
5 月於瑞士日內瓦召開,為疫後首度由本部 meetings on the sidelines of WHA, demonstrating Taiwan's determination
薛前部長瑞元率領「世衛行動團」進行醫衛合 and commitment to contributing to global health affairs.
With the dissolution of the Central Epidemic Command Center for
COVID-19 on May 1, 2023, Taiwan officially entered the post-pandemic
era. MOHW will continue to monitor the pandemic, support vulnerable
groups, strengthen social safety nets, enhance long-term care services,
隨著COVID-19 中央流行疫情指揮中心 safeguard individuals' medical rights, improve the medical environment,
於 112 年 5 月 1 日起解編,臺灣正式進入後 ensure food and drug safety, and expand international exchanges and
疫情時代,本部將持續監測疫情,照顧弱勢 cooperation to promote the health and well-being of all citizens. Our
族群、強化社會安全網、完善長照服務,保 mission is to be the most trustworthy ministry in Taiwan by continuously
障民眾就醫權益及改善醫療環境、守護食藥 investing in public health initiatives and realizing the vision of a "Healthy
安全,並全面拓展國際交流與合作關係,以 Taiwan."
Minister of Health and Welfare
謹識 3