Page 4 - 113中文衛福年報 有聲書
P. 4

113 年版 衛生福利年報簡介

                    序言                                Preface

                 結束COVID-19 的全民抗疫時代,本部                   As Taiwan transitions from the nationwide COVID-19 response,
             持續拓展衛生醫療與社會福利業務,積極落                      the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) continues to enhance its
             實「全人全程、衛福守護」與「衛福升級、國                     healthcare and social welfare services, focusing on two key policy pillars:
             際同步」兩大施政主軸,以共創互助包容的                      "lifelong comprehensive care" and "globally synchronized health and
             社會連結,打造身心健康的支持環境。                        welfare improvements." These initiatives aim to build a society rooted in
                                                      mutual support and inclusivity, creating a supportive environment for both
                                                      physical and mental health.
             趨勢,本部實施「強化獨居老人關懷服務計                         In response to the challenges of an aging society and declining
             畫」,督請地方政府結合在地資源,提升獨                      birth rates, related issues and policies have received significant attention.
             居老人居家安全、強化社會連結;推動長者                      To address the increasing trend of solitary elderly individuals, MOHW
             功能評估服務,透過早期發現長者功能衰退                      has launched the "Enhanced Care Service Plan for the Solitary Elderly,"
             的徵兆,及早介入運動與營養等處置,以預                      encouraging local governments to integrate community resources to
             防及延緩失能的發生。另一方面,本部賡續                      improve home safety and strengthen social connections for elderly
             擴大不孕症治療補助,減輕不孕夫妻經濟負                      individuals living alone. Additionally, we promote elderly functional
             擔;加碼提供育兒津貼及托育補助,並持續                      assessment services to detect early signs of functional decline and
             推動托育公共化,營造育兒友善環境;優化                      intervene promptly with exercises, nutrition, and other measures to
             兒童醫療照護體系,擴大周產期照護網絡能                      prevent and delay disability onset. To address declining birth rates,
             量及建構兒童重難罕症醫療合作機制,並                       MOHW continues to expand subsidies for infertility treatments to alleviate
             自 112 年將新生兒全面納入幼兒專責醫師制                   the financial burden on couples. We are increasing childcare allowances,
             度,讓孩子們在連續、整合性的完善照護下,                     enhancing subsidies, promoting public childcare services, and creating a
             健康、快樂地成長。                                child-friendly environment. Furthermore, we are optimizing the pediatric
                                                      healthcare system, expanding perinatal care networks, and establishing
                                                      collaborative mechanisms for children with rare and severe medical
                                                      conditions. Since 2023, newborns have been included in the Project
                                                      of Holistic Physicians for Young Children, ensuring comprehensive and
                                                      integrated care for children's healthy development in Taiwan.

                                                         To foster a supportive healthcare environment, MOHW has
                                                      enacted the Indigenous Peoples Health Act, convened the "Health
                                                      Policy Conference of Indigenous Peoples," and established the National
                                                      Indigenous Peoples Health Research Center to advance health equality for
                                                      Indigenous peoples. We have also revised the Tobacco Hazards Prevention
                                                      Act to impose a comprehensively ban on imitation tobacco products,
                                                      such as electronic cigarettes, and to tighten regulations on new tobacco
                                                      products. Our Five-Point Food Safety Policy continues bolstering food
                                                      safety measures, and the implementation of the Regulations on Good
                                                      Practices for Drug Dispensation aims to enhance the quality of domestic
                                                      pharmaceutical services and ensure patient medication safety. In response
                                                      to the 2023 local dengue fever outbreak, we mobilized a Dengue Fever
                                                      Mobile Epidemic Prevention Team to oversee local governments' efforts in
                                                      epidemic prevention and to curb the spread of diseases.
                                                         MOHW is committed to creating a supportive work environment,
                                                      implementing 12 strategies under the Nursing Workforce Preparation
                                                      Plan (2023-2030). This initiative involves inter-ministerial collaboration to

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