Page 58 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

               health education courses, vocational training and   cases of drug use. The MOHW also subsidized
               employment matching), total 20,920 people.      to set up 6 Substance Treatment and Research
            4. Since September 2014, medical institutions have   Centers, and 118 hospitals, clinics, offices of
               been subsidized to provide alcohol and drug     psychotherapy, psychological counselling and social
               addiction services in correctional institutions and   work offices were connected to develop diverse
               number of subsidized medical institutions is being   treatment models and intervention solutions that are
               gradually expanded. In 2023, the MOHW funded    empirically proven to be effective.
               for 13 medical institutions at 15 correctional   8. The MOHW actively promotes online addiction
               facilities. They provided addiction treatment clinics   prevention services. The "Integrated Mental Health
               752 times in 2023 that served 2,957 individuals   Work Plan for 2023" fostered collaboration between
               (people), health education for 16,749 individuals,   county and city health bureaus and education
               psychological therapy for 7,547 individuals, 825   departments to promote the "Internet Usage
               individuals of release referrals and 3,991 follow-ups.  Habit Scale." Furthermore, professional training
            5. The MOHW has continued to implement the         and intervention model development for Internet
               "Alcohol Addiction Treatment Plan" from 2006    addiction treatment were continued, resulting in 453
               and subsidies were provided to help 3,675 people   individuals being trained and the organization of 2
               in 2023. Moreover, since September 2015, the    sessions of online addiction parent-child camps.
               MOHW has been implementing the "Pilot Project   These sessions served a total of 45 youth and 39
               for the Establishment of a Treatment and Social   parents, with an effectiveness rate of over 95% in
               Rehabilitation Service Model for Problem Drinkers   improving online addiction behaviors.
               and Alcohol Addicts," to establish across-network
               referral mechanism, to promote early treatment   Chapter 3 Medical and Public Health
               of alcohol addiction cases. The Ministry provided          Manpower
               subsidies to 15 institutions in 2023, helping 1,478
               individuals.                                  Section 1  Current Status of Medical
            6. To enhance public awareness regarding alcohol            Manpower
               consumption and alcohol use disorder, and to   1. Taiwan has 15 laws and regulations governing
               facilitate the early identification and treatment   the licensing requirements of medical personnel:
               of individuals with potential drinking problems,   the "Physicians Act," the "Pharmacists Act," the
               the "Taiwan Alcohol Abstinence and Addiction    "Midwifery Personnel Act," the "Dietitians Act," the
               Prevention Center" was established on November   "Nursing Personnel Act," the "Physical Therapists
               24, 2023. The center offers counseling for alcohol   Act," the "Occupational Therapists Act," the
               abstinence, family support, health education and   "Medical Technologists Act," the "Medical Radiation
               promotion, as well as referrals for alcohol use   Technologists Act," the "Psychologists Act," the
               disorder treatment. As of the end of 2023, the   "Respiratory Therapists Act," the "Hearing Specialists
               center had provided counseling services to 127   Act," the "Speech Therapists Act," the "Dental
               individuals and referred 21 people for alcoholism   Technicians Act," and the "Optometric Personnel Act."
               treatment.                                    2. Former President Ing-Wen Tsai promulgated the
            7. Starting  from  2018 onward, the  MOHW  took    Public Health Specialists Act on June 3, 2020.
               over the duty of supervising all Drug Abuse     Starting from 2021, Taiwan has increased the number
               Prevention Centers in Taiwan from the Ministry   of public health professionals through specialized
               of Justice, and has increased subsidized case   exams, aiming to establish a comprehensive public
               management manpower and anti-drug business      health service system and promote public health.
               funds. In 2023, 698 case managers (including    As of 2022, there are 261 certified public health
               supervision) were subsidized to assist in relevant   specialists.
               case management to improve the quality of follow-  3. As of 2023, the total number of healthcare
               up and counseling for communities involved in   professionals in various categories was 359,954.

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