Page 60 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
Table 4-4 Number of Certificated Nurse Practitioners from 2006-2023
Specialization No. of people
Internal medicine 5,232
Psychiatrics 212
Pediatrics 250
Surgery 4,695
Obstetrics and gynecology 162
Anesthesia 3,832
Total 14,383
Source: Department of Nursing and Health Care, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
7. In order to establish a clinical training system for work hours, the MOHW is concurrently promoting
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners the amendment of medical laws to include a
and cultivate TCM practitioners with comprehensive dedicated chapter on safeguarding the labor rights
medical abilities, the "Training Program for of physicians. This will incorporate matters such as
Responsible Physicians in Traditional Chinese their employment contracts, occupational accident
Medicine Medical Care Institutions" was compensation, and retirement security into the
implemented. In 2023, a total of 130 training regulations.
institutions were supervised, and 782 newly 2. To reduce medical disputes and foster harmonious
recruited TCM practitioners underwent a training physician-patient relationship, the MOHW has been
program. To further cultivate Chinese-Western implementing childbirth accident emergency relief
medicine treatment and evidence-based research and strengthening "Alternative Medical Dispute
in TCM, and to strengthen specialized training Resolution" simultaneously, their results are outlined
in TCM subspecialties, the MOHW drew up the below.
"Subspecialty Classification and Qualification (1) Since the implementation (June 30 2016) of the
Examination Measures for TCM Specialists" and Childbirth Accident Emergency Relief Act and
the training standards. In 2023, 19 training facilities up to December 31 2023, 2,233 applications
were approved, and 68 trainees participated in were received. In 2023, a total of 12 times of
the pilot program for TCM subspecialty training. Review Committee were held to review a total
The teaching capabilities were evaluated, and the of 335 applications, with 306 applications were
regulations were adjusted and revised accordingly. approved. A total of NTD 179.6 million in relief
By the end of 2023, 95 trainees had successfully funding has been granted.
completed the training and passed the assessment, (2) Actively promoting alternative dispute resolution
effectively enhancing their clinical expertise. mechanisms:
A. The "Pilot Program for Diverse and Two-
Section 3 Creating Medical Personnel-
way Resolution of Medical Disputes" was
Friendly Work Environments
implemented to establish a dual-track
1. In an effort to safeguard physicians' rights and mediation model in medical law. In the
patient safety, effective from September 1, 2019, 2023 fiscal year, a total of 22 counties and
resident physicians hired by the medical, healthcare cities participated in the program, and 689
and care-giving industries shall be applicable to mediation cases were accepted. The success
the Labor Standards Act. Due to considerations rate of mediation was 42.3%. (The statistical
such as their high degree of autonomy, diverse data covers the period from January 1, 2023,
work patterns, and complex determination of to December 31, 2023.)