Page 61 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 61
04 | Health Care
B. Advanced the legislation of the "Medical C. Promotion of the legislation of nurse-patient
Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution ratio: Amendments to the nurse-patient
Act," which was passed by the Legislative ratio were published on February 1, 2019 in
Yuan after three readings on May 30th, the "Establishment Standards for Medical
2022 and promulgated by the President Institutions" (Medical centers ≦1:9, regional
on June 22nd, 2022. It is scheduled to be hospitals ≦1:12 and local hospitals ≦1:15).
implemented in January 1, 2024, with related The amendments became effective on May 1
measures and the "Major Medical Incident of the same year.
Reporting Platform" also established in the D. On February 1, 2018, the "Nursing Workplace
same year. Dispute Reporting Platform" was launched as
3. In an effort to improve the workplace environment an anonymous reporting channel for nursing
of nursing personnel, the Department of Nursing personnel. By the end of 2023, a total of
and Health Care has been actively promoting 2,662 cases had been processed through
relevant reforms, with the purpose of facilitate the the platform. Each case underwent thorough
retention as well as encouraging nurses who left the investigation, and outcomes were published
professional field to return. The following outcomes monthly, resulting in an enforcement rate of
have been achieved in 2023: around 17%. Concurrently, the "E-Nursing
(1) The overall number of nursing professionals Aid" website integrated information
in practice has been steadily increasing over on nursing practice and professional
the years. However, due to the impact of the development. Through transparent
pandemic, both the total turnover rate and information and policy discussions, it aided
vacancy rate have shown an upward trend. As nursing personnel in addressing practice
of the end of 2023, there were a total of 190,024 challenges and participating in public nursing
nursing professionals in practice, marking an matters. Additionally, in 2023, a dedicated
increase of approximately 53,609 compared section was established on the platform
to 2012. The pandemic led to an increase in to foster a supportive nursing workplace
the total turnover rate from 10.13% in 2021 to environment. This encouraged hospitals to
11.73% in 2022, and the total vacancy rate rose publicly disclose labor conditions, including
from 4.7% in 2021 to 6.53%. salary benefits, talent retention strategies,
(2) Reducing Workloads and Improving Nurse- and career development opportunities,
Patient Ratios and Work Conditions empowering nursing professionals to make
informed decisions and promote a positive
A. In 2015, nurse-patient ratio became a nursing environment.
hospital evaluation item. The evaluation
criteria is the "all-day average nurse patient E. To bolster the healthcare system's workforce,
ratio for hospital acute ordinary beds": the Ministry initiated a pilot project for
Medical centers: ≦ 9 people with day shift integrated inpatient care services under
average nurse-patient ratio of ≦ 7 people, the National Health Insurance in 2022. This
regional hospitals: ≦ 12 people, and local initiative involved nurse aides assuming
hospitals: ≦15. non-technical care tasks, enabling nursing
professionals to concentrate on specialized
B. Tie-in of nurse-patient ratio to hospitalization duties and reduce their workload. In 2023,
insurance bonus: starting from 2018 onward, this project expanded to encompass 84
the bonus bracket has been expanded hospitals and 4,414 beds.
once more to 2-20% as a way to encourage
hospitals to achieve the necessary threshold (3) Nursing Salary Survey
for nurse-patient ratio. According to a survey by the Ministry of Labor in
July 2022, the average monthly salary for nursing