Page 59 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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04 | Health Care

                    Among them, there were 78,184 physicians      4. To  enhance  the  quality  of  oral  healthcare,
                    (including Western medicine doctors, traditional   postgraduate clinical training programs for dentists
                    Chinese medical doctors, and dentists), 36,726   are actively promoted. In 2023, a total of 629
                    pharmacists, 10,491 medical laboratory technicians,   training institutions were approved, including 94
                    7,541 radiology technicians, 187,725 nurses, 208   hospitals and 535 clinics, to carry out two-year
                    midwives, and 3,662 dietitians.                 postgraduate general medical training programs for
                                                                    dentists. A total of 895 dentists received training in
                  Section 2 Training Health Professionals           2023, including 421 in PGY1 and 474 in PGY2.
                      In order to ensure the professional competence
                  of medical workforce, the government has adopted   5. To enhance the professional competence of nursing
                  regulatory measures on medical education and      staff and improve care quality, the nurse specialist
                  training. The results attained are as follows:    practitioner system was initiated in 2006. As of the
                                                                    end of 2023, a total of 14,383 nurse practitioners
                  1. According to Taiwan's "Diplomate Specialization   had been certified, as detailed in Table 4-4. To
                    and Examination Regulations" there are 23 medical   address community healthcare needs based on
                    specialties. Until the end of 2023, 59,863 physicians   population demographics, the Ministry amended
                    received their medical specialty licenses in Taiwan.  and issued the "Nurse Specialist Practitioner
                  2. To enhance the specialization of dental healthcare   Subdivision and Evaluation Measures" on June 26,
                    professionals, the "Dental Specialization and   2023, adding the "Family Health" specialization. This
                    Examination Regulations" were issued on October   expansion enhances the professional competence
                    5, 2018, and later revised on May 2, 2023. The   of nursing staff and improves care quality, expanding
                    categories of dental specialist increased from 3 to   the healthcare capacity of nurse specialists to
                    11. As of the end of December 2023, a total of 5,896   provide care in households within the community.
                    dental specialist certification had been issued by the   They collaborate with physicians as a cohesive team
                    competent authority, as depicted in Figure 4-4.  to enhance integrated care quality in the community
                  3. Post-graduated year training is conducted to   across all age groups, through advanced medical
                    strengthen the concept and ability of holistic care.   treatments and advanced nursing care.
                    In 2023, there were 40 teaching hospitals and 112   6. Since 2007, the MOHW launched the "Clinical
                    collaborating hospitals joining post-graduated year   Practitioner Training Program." In 2023, 1,151
                    (PGY) training programs. 2,643 post-graduated   individual training programs at 149 participating
                    doctors accepted PGY training under this scheme.   hospitals were approved by MOHW. 25,268 health
                    (1,362 in the first PGY year, and 1,281 in the   workers were trained through these programs;
                    second PGY year.)                               88.95% of health professionals received this training
                                                                    within four years of gaining a license.

                    Figure 4-4   Number of Officially Certified Specialist Dentists from 1999-2023


                   1,000                     816
                             479                                                      537
                     500                             404      338     282
                                     83                                       140
                           Oral and   Oral   Orthodontics  Pediatric   Endodontics  Prostho-  Operative   Periodon-  Family   Special
                            Maxillofa  Pathology    Dentistry        dontics  Dentistry  tology  Dentistry  Needs
                           cial Surgery                                                               Dentistry

   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64