Page 54 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 54

2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

               in the form of a prior written and signed statement,   and examinations for the first permanent molars,
               thereby ensuring his rights to a good death. As of   specifically the largest molar, to children between
               the end of 2023, a total of 68,165 declarants have   the ages of 6 and 12. In 2023, approximately
               signed their advance decision and registered their   876,000 individuals were served through this
               decision on their NHI IC cards.                   initiative.
                                                               (3)  Implemented the fluoride mouthwash program
            Section 5 Oral Health Care
                                                                 for elementary school children. In 2023, the
            1. Promoting Oral Healthcare Throughout Various Life   participation rate of over 95% was achieved, with
                                                                 approximately 1.22 million students involved.
              (1)  Providing free fluoride varnish applications   (4)  Multiple channels were used to promote
                 for children under 6 years old once every six   periodontal disease prevention among various
                 months, and for children under 12 from low-     ethnic groups, including encouraging fluoride
                 income households, those with disabilities, in   use and preventive measures for dental caries in
                 indigenous areas, and in remote and outlying    children and adolescents. Different educational
                 areas once every three months. Approximately    materials like the "Adult Oral Health" manual,
                 1.19 million service instances were provided. The   "Institutional Oral Care" guidelines, and "Oral
                 utilization rate for at least one fluoride application   Health Care for Patients with Oral Mucosal
                 among children under 6 years old reached        Abnormalities" were created and employed.
                 77.1%, as shown in Figure 4-2. Additionally, 23   These materials were distributed through
                 sessions of fluoride application service quality   partnerships with schools, health departments,
                 monitoring were conducted.
                                                                 medical institutions, and organizations. Outreach
              (2)  Considering the variation in eruption time of   services for oral health care were carried out in
                 permanent teeth among children, in 2022, the    204 sessions at welfare institutions for individuals
                 age limit for sealant services for permanent first   with disabilities, special education institutions
                 molars were expanded to include children up     or classes, and interdisciplinary assessment
                 to 12 years old. This service provided sealants   centers.

                           The utilization rate for at least one fluoride application among age under 6
              Figure 4-2
                           years old children, 2017-2023

           80                                            74.18
                                67.34       67.88                    67.58       70.06


                    2017        2018         2019        2020        2021         2022        2023   Year
             Source: Department of Oral and Dental Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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