Page 53 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 53
04 | Health Care
Starting in 2023, the program has been expanded to 4. The "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children"
further its objectives. expanded to include participation from 22 counties
1. Implemented the "Core Hospital Program," with and cities across Taiwan in 2023. Pediatricians
a total of 8 core hospitals established as of 2023. and family medicine doctors serve as dedicated
These hospitals provided medical care for 12 healthcare providers for children under three years
categories of rare and severe diseases in children. old. The project also includes professional education
Additionally, 3 specialized teams for pediatric and certification for these specialized physicians,
critical care transport were formed, covering 90% integrating specialists from other areas with
of cities and counties nationwide, and completing insufficient pediatric and family medicine resources
318 pediatric critical care transfers. Furthermore, to balance childcare resources in rural areas. This
a platform for challenging pediatric diagnoses was initiative offers primary care and health management
established, with 10 teleconsultation sites (including services such as preventive healthcare, vaccinations,
remote islands), assisting in diagnosing complex home visits, screening, and referrals. In 2023, a total
cases where routine examinations do not provide of 1,048 medical institutions (with 1,880 physicians)
a clear diagnosis, planning treatment for complex participated, caring for 195,552 individuals and
cases involving multiple medical disciplines, and achieving a national coverage rate of 43.09%.
critically ill patients in intensive care units, with a 5. Dispatch Center for Essential Drugs and Medical
total of 32 children receiving clinical evaluations and Supplies hard to access for children was established.
guidance on diagnosis and treatment directions. The expert advisory committee confirmed the list,
which includes 34 drugs and 18 medical supplies in
2. Implemented in 2023, the "Perinatal Care Network 2023. By the end of 2023, a total of 16 medications
Program" provided subsidies to 9 hospitals and and medical supplies were successfully procured
established regional perinatal care networks, through joint bidding. Additionally, assistance was
including core hospitals, extending coverage to provided for the importation or special manufacturing
18 counties and cities. These networks offered application of 12 specific projects.
emergency blood dispatch, intensive care for high-
risk pregnancies, and critical care for newborns. Section 4 Hospice and Palliative Care and
By the end of 2023, they completed 345 referrals Patient Autonomy
for high-risk pregnancies and 581 neonatal 1. Beginning in 2006, a special project has been
transfers. Additionally, three hospitals adopted urging medical care institutions and the general
an open hospital model, facilitating collaborative public to participate in hospice and palliative care,
care between hospital and primary care clinic while encouraging NHI Enrolled persons to record
physicians for 88 pregnant women, ensuring consent on their NHI IC cards. As of the end of
smooth deliveries. 2023, a total of 913,775 people, accounting for
3. The "Enhancement of Pediatric Emergency Medical 3.9% of the total population, documented their
Care Quality and Resource Integration Program" willingness to receive hospice and palliative care,
was continued in 2023. It provided subsidies to along with their wishes concerning life-sustaining
moderate to high-level responsibility hospitals in treatment. Each person's choice was recorded on
remote counties and cities to offer 24-hour medical his/her NHI IC card.
services for pediatric patients with injuries and 2. In an effort to safeguard patients' dignity and rights to
illnesses. This program was integrated with the a good death, the "Patient Right to Autonomy," the
"Perinatal Care Network Program," ensuring that first specialized in Asia, was officially implemented on
each county and city in the country had at least January 6, 2019. This law allows mentally capable
one hospital capable of providing 24-hour medical individuals to exercise their autonomy by making
services for pediatric patients. A total of 16 hospitals choices regarding medical care through "advance
in 16 counties and cities implemented this program. care planning" and prepare his advance decision