Page 66 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 66
2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
9. Subsidization of establishing medical facilities: To EAMT in offshore areas. This platform integrates
enhance local medical services, medical personnel decision-making among the "Transport," "Review,"
are encouraged to set up medical institutions and "Receive" in EAMT, effectively improving
in remote indigenous and island areas, with a administrative efficiency and enhancing professional
maximum of NTD 500,000 provided for each communication. In 2023, a total of 330 cases were
institution. In 2023, 3 medical institutions were submitted for application, with 319 cases approved,
established after receiving the subsidy. achieving a 97% approval rate.
10. Improving medical equipment and resources for 2. Base for Air Ambulances: In August 2018, the
health centers (rooms) in remote indigenous and MOHW launched the "Kinmen, Lienchiang, and
island areas. In 2023, subsidies were provided for Penghu Base of Ambulance Aircrafts Service
the replacement of 65 medical equipment and the Project", enhancing timeliness and safe transport.
renewal of mobile medical vehicles (motorcycles). In 2023, a total of 243 EAMT missions were carried
In addition, subsidies were provided for the out.
construction of 2 new health centers, and the 3. Enhanced Emergency Medical Transport for People
renovation of 2 existing spaces. in Offshore Areas - Education & Training: In order to
11. Transport subsidization for taking medical fortify the expertise of emergency medical personnel
treatment: To reduce the financial burden for people in offshore areas for transport and care, educational
seeking medical assistance, the cost of flight (boat) training programs for emergency care were
for severe injuries/ illnesses patients out of pocket conducted. In 2023, a total of 21 training courses
were partially subsidized in offshore areas, with a were held, training 611 individuals.
total of 21,748 people served in 2023. In addition, Section 3 Training and Employment
the transport fees for referral of indigenous people,
major or urgent injuries/illnesses patients going for Retention
medical treatment were subsidized. From 2019, a 1. The purpose of cultivating publicly funded physicians
new subsidy for transportation expenses related is to strengthen manpower in grassroots and remote
to prenatal check-ups and childbirth in indigenous areas. Since 2016, the Ministry has reinstated the
areas was introduced, aiming to enhance the "Key Specialty Cultivation Program for Publicly
utilization of prenatal examinations and promote Funded Physicians," aiming to recruit approximately
maternal and infant health. In 2023, a total of 100-150 publicly funded physicians annually.
21,357 people received these subsidies. Specialized training is limited to five major specialties:
internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology,
Section 2 Emergency Medical Transport pediatrics, and emergency medicine. Service
To enhance the timeliness of emergency medical placements primarily focus on hospitals in remote
assistance in offshore and indigenous areas, our areas. As of 2023, a total of 916 publicly funded
department has been promoting a policy that prioritizes medical students have been recruited. Additionally,
local medical care and utilizes emergency air medical the Ministry encourages these physicians to continue
transport (EAMT) as a supplementary measure. This serving in rural hospitals or clinics after completing
policy aims to uplift the quality of healthcare services in their service term, offering salary bonuses or
offshore and indigenous areas. guarantees.
1. Enhanced EAMT services: Established a 24-hour 2. Implementation of the "Indigenous People and
National Aeromedical Approval Center (NAAC), Offshore Areas Medical Personnel Nurturing Plan":
which provides 24-hour acceptance of applications, To enhance medical manpower in outlying islands
evaluation, coordination and consultations required and indigenous areas and promote local services
for EAMT. In 2019, the "Aeromedical Transport and provided by local people, the Ministry has trained
Teleconsultation Platform(ATTP)" was established a total of 1,473 medical personnel as of 2023.
and activated to facilitate offshore consultations for This includes 732 doctors (344 indigenous, 368