Page 71 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 71

05 | Long-Term Care Services

                      Taiwan officially entered an aged society as   defining all kinds of violations and fines, so the Act
                  of the end of March 2018, with the population of   fulfills practical needs, and legalizes the related
                  individuals aged 65 and above accounting for 14%   authorization of contract, benefits and payment
                  of the total population. It is projected that by the year   audit system.
                  2026, this percentage will rise to 21%, indicating the   2. To implement and clarify the definitions and
                  transition into a super-aged society. Based on this, the   implementation methods of the Long-Term Care
                  importance of establishing a comprehensive long-term   Services Act (LTCSA), nine subsidiary regulations
                  care service system, developing long-term service   have been established under the Act's authorization.
                  resources, and ensuring service quality becomes   These include the Enforcement Rules of Long-
                  increasingly evident. Therefore, starting from January   Term Care Services Act and Criteria for Establishing
                  2017, the MOHW implemented the Long-term Care     Long-term care services Institutions. Additionally, in
                  10-year Plan 2.0 (hereafter referred to as LTC Plan   accordance with the LTCSA, the Institutional Long-
                  2.0), promoting an integrated community care service   Term Care Juridical Entities Act has been enacted.
                  system and responding to the long-term care needs   In total, there is one primary law (Institutional Long-
                  arising from the aged society.                    Term Care Juridical Entities Act) and nine subsidiary
                      Improving upon the contents of its predecessor,   regulations, including the Establishment Standards
                  LTC Plan 2.0 has increased the number of care     for Long-Term Care Service Institutions, Regulations
                  recipients and service items. The plan has been   for the Establishment, Approval and Management
                  extended to prevent disability and delay its onset.   of Long-Term Care Institutions, the Establishment
                  Not only that, it has also integrated home hospice   Standards for Long-Term Care Institutions, and
                  care and home-based medical care with the purpose   for the purpose of establishing long-term care
                  of achieving the vision of "aging in place" to meet   institutions on public non-public real estate,
                  the growing demand for seniors' services. The plan   Regulations for review of special project application
                  therefore called for establishing a community-based   for renting of public real estate that is not publicly
                  care service system that would support diversified   used by long-term care services institutions,
                  services in a home-based, community-based and     Regulations for the Training, Certification,
                  residential cares that are closely knit in order to create   Continuous Education Program and Registration
                  a long-term care service system that is premium in   Conditions for Long-term Care Personnel, and
                  quality, affordable and easily available to all.   Regulations Governing Subsidies and Rewards for
                                                                    Long-term Care Services Resource Development
                                                                    to provide various incentives and methods for
                  Chapter 1 Long-Term Care                          developing long-term care service resources,
                              Regulations and Systems
                                                                    prioritizing assistance for offshore islands, remote
                                                                    areas, indigenous communities, and other areas
                  Section 1 The Long-Term Care Services
                                                                    lacking long-term care resources. Based on the
                                                                    principle of rational utilization of long-term care
                  1. In order to create a sound foundation for our long-  resources and considering the equity of long-
                    term care services system by ensuring care and   term care service benefits, as well as regulating
                    supporting service quality as we develop accessible,   contracted service units and subsequent service fee
                    diverse and affordable services while safeguarding   payments, Regulations on Application and Payment
                    the dignity and rights of both care givers and care   for Long-Term Care Services and the Regulations
                    receivers, the Long-Term Care Services Act has   on Long-Term Care Contract Administration have
                    been legislated for promulgation on June 3, 2017.   been formulated, along with the Regulations for the
                    The act was last amended on June 9, 2021 and    supplementary training of foreigners engaged in in-
                    the amendment focused on key aspects include    home care work.
                    clarifying related regulation authorization and

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