Page 75 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 75
05 | Long-Term Care Services
and personnel through a code linkage, thereby 3. Support services for family caregivers
enabling the registration of long-term care (1) Provision of Support Services and Relevant
personnel under the management of long-term Information for Family Caregivers
care institutions.
Since 2018, subsidies have been provided to
Section 2 Diverse Innovative Service local governments to implement the "Innovative
Program for Supportive Services for Family
1. Care Services for People with Dementia Caregivers". By the end of 2023, a cumulative
Long-term Care 2.0 includes people with dementia total of 123 family caregiving support service
over the age of 50 as eligible care recipients. In centers had been established.
an effort to strengthen community-based service To expedite the provision of relevant services
capacity for people with dementia, the MOHW has to high-burden family caregivers, the MOHW
also established more Support Center for People issued a letter on May 10, 2021, containing the
with Dementia and their Families (SPDF) while taking "Preliminary Screening Indicators for High-Burden
various measures such as awareness promotion, Family Caregivers in Long-term Care" and the
dementia alleviation, courses on adult foster care, "Referral and Service Process for High-Burden
and family support groups. In addition, the MOHW Family Caregivers in Long-term Care." These
has established Integrated Dementia Care Center initiatives aimed to enhance the sensitivity of
(IDCC) in municipalities across Taiwan in the hopes network members in identifying high-burden family
of providing proper guidance/assistance as well as caregivers and establish effective cross-agency
information services, referrals and other supporting referral and resource coordination. Moreover, to
services. These centers will help to coordinate ensure that services effectively respond to the
medical resources, and arrange the provision of demands of family caregivers, indicators related
relevant care services. As of 2023, the MOHW has to interdepartmental collaboration and public-
established a total of 533 SPDFs and 116 IDCCs.
private cooperation mechanisms were included
2. Indigenous Area Long-Term Care Services Trial in the local health authority's business evaluation
Program for 2022. Local governments were required
In an effort to deliver long-term care to indigenous to establish capacity-building and supervision
communities and achieve the goal of localized mechanisms for service units serving family
aging for tribal elders, the President has instructed caregivers within their jurisdictions, promoting
the establishment of cultural health stations. It quality improvement in case management through
encourages local governments to assist local horizontal collaboration.
indigenous tribe in setting up day care centers as (2) Long-term care for Families with Foreign In-
a step towards providing multi-level long-term care home Caregivers
services, including day care service, temporary The care recipients who were attended by foreign
overnight lodging, transportation services, respite domestic caregivers (hereinafter referred to as
services, and outreach home care. This initiative "foreign caregivers") and assessed as requiring
also aims to cultivate local care workers and level 2 or above of long-term care needs,
establish comprehensive long-term care services in were eligible to apply for professional services,
indigenous communities. transportation services, assistive devices and
As a result of intensive cross-agency communication home barrier-free environment improvements,
and close collaboration with local government, mobile bathing services, and respite care
the pilot program for long-term care services in services. They could also avail themselves of
indigenous areas has successfully established of 9 community-based transportation services to be
day care centers as of the end of 2023. transported to LTC stations around the blocks (C
stations) or participate in activities and services
aimed at preventing or delaying disability