Page 76 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
(dementia). In the case of individuals assessed In light of the intensive reablement services needs of
as having dementia but not disabled, they could clients after discharge, the MOHW has strengthened
also utilize SPDF and IDCC. Additionally, family the coordination between medical care and long-term
members with caregiver support service needs care services and increased the capacity for discharge
could utilize support services for family caregivers preparation services. It has actively promoted
bases for assistance. Statistics show that as specialized reablement services to seize the golden
of 2023, 88,592 families employing foreign recovery period within 3 months after discharge,
domestic caregivers utilized long-term care assisting in independent living training. In 2023, a total
services, a 1.33-fold increase from the same of 237 hospitals have participated in the program, and
period in 2022 (66,440). Among the services 45,403 people have undergone assessment during
used, transportation was the most common the year.
with 53,153 users, followed by respite care with 6. Minimizing Outpatient Visits by Institutional
45,591 users, and professional services with Residents Plan
25,424 users. Since 2020, the "Minimizing Outpatient Visits by
4. Family Physician Care Program for Home-Based Institutional Residents Plan" has been implemented.
Disabled Case
It provides incentives to medical and care institutions
To establish integration between home-based care that meet criteria such as signing exclusive
and long-term care services models so as to prevent management contracts, reducing average medical
clients of chronic diseases from deterioration and visits, managing chronic diseases, and providing
worsening in disability, the MOHW has implemented nutritional care. In 2023, to address resident needs
its "Family Physician Care Program for Home- and increase institutional participation, indicators
Based Disabled Case" from July 19, 2019 onward. related to promoting in-facility hospice care were
The Program involves dispatching medical added, and incentive amounts for existing indicators
staff to the homes of disabled cases in nearby were increased. From 2023, medical and care
communities and perform health and chronic illness institutions can receive up to NTD 144,000 and NTD
management, issue LTC physician's opinion and 71,000 in incentives every six months, respectively.
special precautions for service personnel intending In the second half of 2023, approximately 1,053
to care recipients and so forth as the basis for the care facilities and 399 medical institutions applied to
formulation of care plans. As of the end of 2023, participate, benefiting around 77,000 individuals.
a total of 862 clinics / health centers took part in
the project, and 231, 181 people received case Chapter 3 Long-Term Care Manpower
5. Long-Term Care 2.0 Link Up Discharge Preparation Section 1 Care Worker Workforce
Plan In order to enhance the manpower in caregiving
In order to facilitate timely access to long-term care services and improve retention, the MOHW has
services for hospitalized clients after their discharge actively worked towards improving labor conditions
from the hospital, the MOHW has implemented and increasing employment incentives. As of the end
the "Incentive program for Long-term Care 2.0 of 2023, the number of active care service workers in
link up discharge preparation plan." This program long-term care services reached 97,178, an increase
integrates assessment tools, personnel training, of 71,984 from 25,194 at the end of 2016 (during the
information systems, and evaluation processes. The Long-Term Care 1.0 period), representing a 3.9-fold
previous procedure of conducting assessments growth. Related measures include:
only after clients submit their applications upon 1. Improve salary income: Promoted a benefits
discharge has been improved, with the process and payments system by transitioning from the
being 3 days prior to discharge, and individuals can previous subsidy-based "hourly" pay model to a
obtain long-term care services within 7 days after calculation based on the care package (i.e.service
being discharged. items), while providing additional compensation for