Page 81 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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06 | Communicable Disease Control

                      Managing communicable diseases requires     Act" are two major sets of regulations governing
                  disease surveillance, outbreak investigation,   communicable disease prevention and control. In
                  preparedness, research, and proper immunization.   response to the Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia
                  Additionally, relevant regulations must keep pace with   (COVID-19) prevention needs, the Legislative Yuan
                  global trends and changing health needs to construct   passed the third reading of the "Special Act for
                  a solid framework that can ensure the health and   Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe
                  wellbeing of the people.                        Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens" on February 25,
                                                                  2020, which was then promulgated by the President.
                  Chapter 1 Communicable Disease                  On May 31, 2021, the Legislative Yuan amended the
                                Control Regulations and           aforementioned Act to raise the special budget cap to
                                System                            NTD 840 billion and extend its implementation period
                      In order to prevent the incidence and prevalence   to June 30, 2022. Considering the rapid changes in
                  of communicable diseases, Taiwan has enacted    the COVID-19 situation, the Legislative Yuan further
                  the Communicable Disease Control Act and related   agreed on May 27, 2022, to extend the implementation
                  regulations. The Act specifies the obligations and rights   period of the Act and its special budget to June 30,
                  associated with the control of communicable diseases   2023, which was not extended further upon expiration.
                  among government agencies, medical institutions,   To address the expiration of the Act, to ensure the
                  healthcare workers, and the general public. It also   continued processing of applications and payment of
                  formalizes the roles of healthcare workers in dealing   epidemic prevention compensation after the expiration
                  with an epidemic.                               of the Special Act, and to protect the communicable
                                                                  disease surveillance and early warning system as
                  Section 1  Regulations and Framework for
                                                                  part of the national critical infrastructure, Articles 74-
                              Communicable Disease Control        1, 61-1, and 61-2 were added to the "Communicable
                  1. Laws and Regulations Governing Communicable   Disease Control Act" and promulgated on June 21 and
                    Disease Prevention                            28, 2023, respectively. Additionally, to meet the needs
                      The "Communicable Disease Control Act" and   of epidemic prevention work, important regulatory
                  the "HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection   amendments made in 2024 are shown in Table 6-1.

                    Table 6-1    List of Communicable Disease Regulations Revised and Issued in 2023

                                                 Date of
                   Name of Regulation / Legal Order                        Objective of Revision
                   Regulations Governing                  In response to changes in routine vaccine items and schedules
                                                          for young children, the appendix of Article 6 of these regulations
                   Immunization Procedure, Review   March 27  has been amended, revising the vaccine items and schedules
                   of Children's Immunization Record,     for elementary school students, preschoolers, children in nursery
                   and Catch-up Immunization              centers, and infants in the attached table.
                   Regulations Governing Laboratory       Paragraph 3 of Article 8, has been amended to allow medical
                   Testing for Communicable      May 1    institutions using approved or specially approved in vitro
                   Diseases and Management of             diagnostic reagents to be qualified testing institutions designated
                   Laboratory Testing                     by the central competent authority.
                                                          1. "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia" has been reclassified
                   Categories of Communicable               from a Category Ⅴ to a Category Ⅳ communicable disease,
                   Diseases and Preventive       May 1      with corresponding adjustments made to prevention and
                   Measures for Category IV and V   May 31  control measures.
                   Communicable Diseases                  2. The reporting deadline for "Severe Special Infectious
                                                            Pneumonia" has been amended to 72 hours.
                                                          Paragraph 3 of Article 3, regarding the collection of funds for
                   Regulations Governing Collection
                   and Review of Vaccine Injury   December  Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19) vaccines and
                   Compensation Fund               29     the BCG vaccine, has been amended to align with the principles
                                                          of budget balance and risk sharing.
                  Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
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