Page 84 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 84

2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

            3. The "Taiwan MDR-TB Consortium" continues to be   investigations and surveillance for hepatitis A-related
               promoted. For cases notified in 2021, the 24-month   cases from April 28 to June 30. All reported
               cohort treatment success rate was 76.1%.        cases were found to have no association with the
            4. Expanded the "Latent Tuberculosis Infection     consumption of imported frozen berries.
               Treatment Program" to provide testing services to   Section 3  Vector-Borne Communicable
               100,101 individuals, with 11,345 people receiving
               treatment. 98% of these people participated in the       Diseases
               DOTs, effectively reducing the future risk of disease   1. Dengue Fever
               among high-risk populations.                    In 2023, there were 26,706 confirmed dengue
            5. Strengthened implementation of contact          fever cases (277 imported cases, 26,429 domestic
               investigations, with an average of 12 contacts   cases), with a cumulative total of 60 fatalities.
               traced and examined per index tuberculosis      In 2023, due to the severe epidemic situation in
               case, to reduce the risk of further tuberculosis   Southeast Asia, relaxation of COVID-19 border
               transmission. Additionally, 286 cases were detected   control measures, hot climate, and frequent rainfall,
               through active screening using chest X-rays.    the risk of domestic dengue fever transmission
                                                               increased. The number of domestic cases was the
            Section 2  Communicable Disease of the             second highest in the past 10 years. Figures 6-3
                        Enteric Tract                          and 6-4 show the number of confirmed dengue
            1. Enterovirus                                     fever cases over the years.
               In 2023, there were a total of 11 confirmed cases   In response to the 2023 domestic outbreak of
               of severe enterovirus, with 1 fatality. Starting 2020,   dengue fever, Taiwan CDC established a "Dengue
               due to public adherence to COVID-19 prevention   Fever Mobile Prevention Team" on June 26 to
               measures, the number of enterovirus diagnoses and   supervise community diagnoses, risk assessments,
               medical visits had significantly decreased, resulting   and chemical control measures conducted by local
               in  an  increase  in  the  susceptible  population.   government. Simultaneously, a "Dengue Fever
               However, with the gradual reopening of borders   Response Working Group" was formed, meeting
               and relaxation of domestic community prevention   weekly to discuss response measures. As the
               measures in the second half of 2022, the risk of   domestic outbreak continued, a "Dengue Fever
               enterovirus outbreaks increased. Key prevention   Incident Response Team" was established, led by
               strategies included ongoing vigilant monitoring and   Taiwan CDC Deputy Director-General Lo Yi-Chun,
               prevention, collaboration with local governments to   and stationed in Tainan City to strengthen epidemic
               deepen community health education and strengthen   prevention efforts. The response team was
               prevention and control inspections, and establishing   operational from September 18 to November 20.
               an enterovirus severe case medical network with   Taiwan CDC also continued to use the "Executive
               designated responsible hospitals to enhance     Yuan Important Mosquito-Borne Disease Prevention
               response capabilities and improve medical care   and Control Liaison Meeting" platform to adjust
               quality for severe cases.                       meeting frequency as needed and strengthen
            2. Acute Hepatitis A                               communication and coordination of prevention
               In 2023, there were 85 confirmed cases of acute   efforts between central and local authorities.
               viral hepatitis A (78 domestic cases and 7 imported   2. Zika Virus
               cases). During the year, an incident occurred in   In 2023, Taiwan reported 3 imported cases of Zika
               Taiwan where hepatitis A virus was detected in   virus infection, the first cases since 2021. From
               imported frozen berries through random testing   2016 to 2023, a total of 29 cases were reported,
               by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration.     all of which were imported. As Zika virus infection
               Taiwan CDC conducted enhanced epidemiological   during pregnancy may lead to microcephaly or fetal

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