Page 87 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 87
06 | Communicable Disease Control
medical services for HIV/AIDS patients. The Examination and Additional Vaccination Program for
Plan for Service Quality Improvement in Children at High Risk of Hepatitis B" continues to be
Hospitals Designated for Treatment of HIV/ promoted. The follow-up examination rate increased
AIDS was launched. 96% of HIV patients from less than 60% in 2021 to 83.9% in 2023.
received medication, and 95% of those receiving There is no vaccine available to prevent hepatitis C
medication had an undetectable viral load. infection. Groups at higher risk of infection include
(7) Local health departments (health centers) were intravenous drug users, HIV-infected individuals,
instructed to ensure that patients received those undergoing blood dialysis, and the sexual
medical assistance regularly and reinforce partners and children of individuals infected with
consultation services and follow-ups for their hepatitis C. In addition to providing health education
partners. Subsidies were also provided to NGOs to high-risk groups and confirmed hepatitis C
that assist with patient care as halfway houses cases, follow-up care and referrals for treatment are
or offer treatment arrangements, emergency conducted six months after a patient's diagnosis.
accommodation, and case management Section 5 Influenza Control
services. Placement was offered in 794 cases,
and case management services were provided 1. Seasonal influenza
to 3,478 patients. (1) In 2023, there were a total of 1,058 confirmed
2. Acute viral hepatitis B and C cases of influenza with severe complications,
In 2023, there were 132 confirmed cases of acute including 248 fatalities, resulting in a mortality
rate of 23.4%, as shown in Figure 6-6.
viral hepatitis B and 501 cases of hepatitis C. The
risk of transmission has been reduced through (2) The MOHW launched the "Influenza Vaccine
prenatal hepatitis B screening for pregnant women Immunization Program" in October 2023. As
and hepatitis B vaccination for newborns. The of May 13, 2024, a total of over 6,560,000
carrier rate among 6-year-old children in Taiwan has immunizations were administered.
decreased from 10.5% before the implementation of (3) The MOHW rigorously monitored influenza
newborn vaccination (1989 survey) to approximately activity, strengthened the quality of medical care
0.8% (2007 survey). According to a 2019 survey, available for acute cases, and the allocation of
the carrier rate in the vaccinated generation resources. The MOHW set up approximately
decreased to 0.64%. To reduce the probability of 4,300 locations to dispense subsidized influenza
hepatitis B incidence in children born to hepatitis antivirals.
B carrier (HBsAg positive) mothers, the "Follow-up
Figure 6-6 Confirmed Cases of Severe Influenza Complications in 2023
120 115 116 116
92 91
80 70
17 18 16
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Month
Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control