Page 92 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

            2. To effectively monitor antibiotic resistance and   3. Applied nanopore sequencing technology for rapid
               improve infection control and antibiotic management   and accurate detection and surveillance of emerging
               quality, 234 hospitals nationwide participated in   diarrheal pathogens, epidemic strains, genotypes,
               the Taiwan Healthcare-associated infection and   and pathogen variations, providing diagnostic
               Antimicrobial resistance Surveillance System (THAS)   information for physicians and more precise and
               antibiotic resistance monitoring module reporting,   effective methods for infectious disease prevention
               with 122 (52%) using automated reporting methods   and control.
               and the remainder using manual reporting.
            3. Laboratory biosafety management               Chapter 4 Immunization
              (1)  Implemented laboratory biosafety inspections   Section 1  Current Immunization Status
                 at domestic high-containment laboratories
                 and installation units with highly dangerous           and Trends
                 pathogens and toxin use/storage. In 2023, the   Taiwan's Vaccine Fund was established
                 document inspections of security management   in 2010, and new vaccine policies have been
                 were completed at 16 biological laboratories.  implemented each year since then. Currently, there
              (2)  In 2023, a total of 10 domestic laboratories   are 9 free routine vaccines for children and influenza
                                                             vaccines, preventing 15 infectious diseases. In 2023,
                 conducting research on antimicrobial resistance   pneumococcal vaccination for people aged 65 and
                 were provided guidance and established the   above was expanded, implemented in three phases
                 Laboratory Biosafety Management Manual. As of   starting October 2. As of December 31, 2023, the
                 2023, 165 laboratories of various biosafety levels   cumulative vaccination reached 632,000 doses.
                 had implemented or operated management          A "National Immunization Information System"
                 systems. These laboratories were used as demo   was established by Taiwan CDC to monitor and track
                 labs for the government's promotion of self-
                 management capabilities at labs.            the immunization status of young children. Children's
                                                             routine vaccination coverage rate has been maintained,
              (3)  In 2023, a total of 623 entities in the country that   as shown in Figure 6-8. To deal with the side effects
                 possessed, stored, and used pathogens and   of immunizations, the MOHW has established the
                 biological toxins in Risk Group 2 (RG2) or higher.   "Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)" to
                 The types and numbers of these entities are   enable victims to receive the assistance they are legally
                 shown in Table 6-2.                         entitled to.

            Section 3 Research and Laboratory
                                                             Section 2 Development and Manufacture
                                                                        of Antiserums/vaccines
            1. In 2023, a total of 189,976 specimens were tested,   In addition to commissioning the National Health
               of which, 31,438 were found to contain a pathogen   Research Institutes' Biologics Manufacturing Plant
               or tested positive for a related antibody, yielding a   to produce BCG vaccines, the Taiwan Centers for
               positivity rate of 16.5%.                     Disease Control (CDC) also independently produces
            2. Continued screening for novel coronavirus variants   anti-snake venom plasma raw materials. The CDC then
               to monitor community transmission changes;    commissions the same plant to process this plasma
               monitored drug-resistant tuberculosis and zoonotic   into anti-snake venom serum products. In 2023, a total
               bovine tuberculosis, and utilized an automated strain   of 330.2 kilograms of anti-snake venom plasma was
               genotype matching system in case management   produced. This resulted in the manufacture of 3,915
               to enhance real-time monitoring of tuberculosis   doses of anti-snake venom serum products, with 3,429
               transmission.                                 doses supplied. Additionally, 480,000 doses of BCG
                                                             vaccine were manufactured.

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