Page 97 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 97
07 | Management of Food and Drug
2. The Registration of Food Businesses available in the market, the Ministry of Health
As of the end of 2023, approximately 652,069 food and Welfare announced amendments to the
businesses have registered as shown in Figure 7-1. "Regulation for the Labeling of Freshly Made
Beverages in Chain Drink Stores, Convenience
3. Food Labeling Regulations
Stores, and Fast Food Restaurants" on June 7,
(1) Establishment of "Regulations Governing the 2022. Effective from January 1, 2023, the scope
Labeling of Prepackaged Honey and its Syrup of products required to list their total caffeine
Products," to strengthen the management of content was expanded. Any freshly made
product names and labeling for packaged honey beverages containing caffeine, such as black
and honey syrup products, starting from July tea, green tea, cocoa beverages, etc., must
1, 2023 (based on the product manufacturing list the caffeine content on the label to facilitate
date), these products must label their product consumer choice. Furthermore, to provide
names according to their honey content. Only diverse labeling options, QR codes or other
products containing solely honey can use the electronic means were introduced as acceptable
name "Honey," "Pure Honey," or "100% Honey." labeling methods starting in 2023.
Products with a honey content of 60% or higher,
if sugar (syrup) is added, must include the Section 5 Certification of Food Sanitation
phrase "Sugar Added Honey" in the product and Safety Management
name. If other ingredients besides sugar (syrup) Systems
are added, the product name should be labeled The 10 categories of food businesses that
as "With OO (name of non-honey material) shall obtain the certification of sanitation and safety
Honey" or "Blended Honey." Products with a management systems, in a public announcement. In
honey content below 60% must be labeled as 2023, the passing rate had reached 92.81% as shown
"Honey Flavor" or equivalent words. Packaged in Figure 7-2.
syrup products without any added honey cannot
use the word "Honey" in their product names. Chapter 2 Management of Medicinal
Additionally, if honey from different origins is Products
blended in honey and honey syrup products, the TFDA actively promotes the regulations and
countries of origin for the honey ingredients must reviewing the process of medicinal products, also
be listed in descending order of honey content. assists the development and the strength of the
(2) Amendment to the "Regulation for the Labeling domestic pharmaceutical industry as well as takes
of Freshly Mode Beverages in Chain Drink efforts in the source management of medicinal product,
Stores, Convenience Stores, and Fast Food prohibits illegal drugs. TFDA provides comprehensive
Restaurants," to enhance the disclosure of management of medicinal products to ensure the
information on labels for freshly made beverages public to have a safe environment for drug usages.
Figure 7-1 Results of Food Business Registration as of the end of 2023
40.3 % 49.2 %
Retail Catering
7.0 % 0.9 %
Manufacturing Logistics
and Processing
2.6 %
Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration