Page 95 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 95

07 | Management of Food and Drug

                      Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (hereafter   and Packages," "Efficacy Assessment Method of
                  referred to as TFDA) spares no efforts in workings   Health Food for Dental Care," and "Regulation of
                  to protect the health of consumers. To achieve this   Imported Beef and Beef Products from the United
                  core value, the key working points of the agency in   States and Canada," among others, to strengthen
                  2023 focus on: bolstering legal standards and register   Taiwan's food management regulations.
                  mechanisms; solidifying food businesses supervisions;   2. Product Reviews and Registration
                  establishing a detailed supply chain monitoring system;   In 2023, TFDA registered the specific foods and
                  improving national laboratory capacity and capability;   food additives as shown in Table 7-1.
                  setting up risk precautionary and management
                  mechanisms; and proactively bolstering public   Section 2 Food Management at the Source
                  communications and advocates, so as to provide an   1. Expand the scope of inspection items
                  environment ensuring drug safety and effectiveness, as   Systematic inspection were completed for fishery
                  well as food safety and health to our consumers.  products from Indonesia, pork from Japan, beef
                                                                    from Lithuania, lamb from the United Kingdom, dairy
                  Chapter 1 Management of Food                      products from Australia, beef from all ages of cattle
                      TFDA continues to implement its "Five-Point   from Canada, and fishery products from Vietnam.
                  Food Safety" policy to achieve inter-domain integration   Products  from  the  aforementioned  countries
                  of five major aspects: source control management,   that  meet the  designated  import  conditions,
                  production management, market inspection,         originate from approved production facilities, and
                  manufacturers and vendors liability, and supervision   are accompanied by the specified certification
                  by the citizens in order to create a comprehensive   documents can apply for import inspection at the
                  network of food safety.                           Taiwan Food and Drug Administration.
                                                                  2. Strengthen Border Control
                  Section 1  Food Regulatory Standards
                                                                    (1)  In 2023, TFDA revised the inspection
                              and Product Reviews and
                                                                       requirements for imported goods. As a result,
                                                                       a total of 2,765 CCC Codes (Commodities
                  1. Regulatory Standards                              Classification of the Republic of China) for
                    In 2023, 29 regulations were amended or revised,   imported products were required to undergo
                    including the announcement of amendments to the    border inspections before they were allowed to
                    "Sanitation Standard for Food Utensils, Containers   enter the country.

                    Table 7-1    Number of Registered Specific Foods and Food Additives, 2023

                       Categories of food that should be registered      Number of valid permit document
                  Imported food in tablet or capsule form                            7,684
                  Health food                                                         421
                  Genetically modified food raw materials                              160

                  Specific dietary   Formula for certain disease                       348
                  foods            Infant and follow-up formula                       142
                  Domestic capsule and tablet vitamin products                       1,480
                  Vacuum- packaged ready-to-eat soybean food                           37
                  Food additives                                                     6,054
                  Total                                                             16,326
                  Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration

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