Page 96 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
(2) In 2023, 735,763 batches of food and related and distribution chain. In 2023, 43 food inspection
products were inspected. Non-compliant projects were completed. Domestic businesses
products were handled through re-export or underwent 138,788 inspections, with a compliance
destruction in accordance with food safety rate of 99.9% for the Regulations on Good Hygiene
regulations. Practice for Food (GHP). A total of 520,000 food
3. Provide Assistance to Businesses in Expanding and related products were inspected and sampled,
Presence in Overseas Markets with a compliance rate of 99.6%.
In 2023, TFDA continued to assist food industry 3. In order to increase the safety of imported food,
operators in exporting their products to foreign border import inspection control and post-market
markets. TFDA facilitated the submission of enhanced inspection of imported products of
application documents on behalf of the operators, agricultural, poultry, livestock and aquatic products
according to the designated products and is carried out. Monitoring was enhanced for
application procedures specified by the importing products with high non-compliance rate, ensuring
countries. This assistance extended to countries food safety, with a compliance rate of 98.3% in
such as China, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and 2023.
others. Once the importing countries reviewed Section 4 Food Safety and Sanitation
and approved the applications, the products were
eligible for export. Additionally, our country's Official Management
Biosecurity Program of processed (heat-treated) 1. Aligning our laws and standards with international
meat products was also approved by New Zealand. standards
To safeguard the dietary safety of our citizens, active
Section 3 Monitoring the Food Safety
efforts have been made to continuously revise and
Chain update relevant standards, taking into account
1. TFDA has been implementing post-market scientific evidence and international benchmarks.
monitoring plan with the results shown in Table 7-2. By 2023, a total of 7,771 pesticide residue limits
2. Inspection of Sampling Test Project in foods, 458 pesticide residue limits in animal
Food safety and public health are closely products, 1,551 veterinary drug residue limits in
intertwined. In line with the five-point food safety foods, 17 sanitation standards, 40 restrictions on
policy and considering the diverse dietary habits food raw materials, and 797 positive listings of food
of the Taiwanese people, inspection and sampling additives have been established. These standards
projects were planned and implemented, focusing include provisions for usage scope, quantity limits,
on high-violation, high-concern, and high-risk items and specifications, ensuring the safety and quality
to strengthen the monitoring of the food production of our food supply.
Table 7-2 Results of Post-Market Surveillance of Food, 2023
Surveillance Items
Samples Taken Conforming Cases Compliance(%)
Pesticide residues 4,731 4,258 90.0
Veterinary drug residues 8,045 8,013 99.6
Mycotoxins 676 633 93.6
Heavy metals 600 585 97.5
Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration