Page 89 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 89
06 | Communicable Disease Control
the self-health management period was reduced cases based on severity. Cumulatively, nearly
from 10 to 5 days on August 15, 2023. Mask 130,000 individuals were admitted.
regulations were relaxed, with mandatory mask (3) To further increase the country's testing capacity,
wearing remaining effective in hospitals, clinics, the MOHW expanded a nationwide network
general nursing homes, and elderly welfare of 268 designated testing institutions with a
institutions. Other medical institutions changed maximum daily testing of 238,781 specimens as
to recommend mask-wearing. of 2023.
(2) Vaccine Preparation and Vaccination (4) Researched and evaluated SARS-CoV-2
To obtain safe and effective vaccines, Taiwan detection methods and reagents, including virus
pursued both international procurement and culture, nucleic acid, antigen, and antibody tests.
domestic development. A cumulative total of Developed and transferred the technology of
68.41 million COVID-19 vaccine doses were SARS-CoV-2 antibody and antigen diagnostic
procured, including about 4.76 million doses reagents to assist in the development of
through COVAX, 10 million doses of AstraZeneca, domestic testing reagents. Viral strains were sent
41.05 million doses of Moderna, 7.6 million doses to relevant institutions to facilitate the operation
of BNT, and 5 million doses of domestic vaccines. of the "COVID-19 viral screening and analysis
To achieve stable reopening and return to normal support platform" to support research and
life, a "2023 National COVID-19 Vaccination development in academia, industry, and research
Campaign" was launched from March 6 institutions.
to April 30, 2023. The "Vaccine Plus One. 5. Disseminating Information and Uncovering
Easing Restriction Safely." campaign was also Disinformation
implemented to encourage the bivalent vaccine (1) From the establishment of the CECC until the
uptake. From March 22, 2021, to September 30, end of 2023, a total of 960 press conferences
2023, approximately 68.16 million doses of the were held, issue 2,199 press releases,
original and bivalent vaccines were administered.
50 clarifications, 84 letters to the medical
In response to COVID-19 virus mutations and community, and producing 7,001 educational
to enhance immunity against dominant strains, leaflets on key topics. These were used to
XBB vaccines were offered from September 26, release important epidemic information, policies,
2023. By December 31, 2023, about 965,000 and measures to the public. Additionally,
XBB vaccine doses had been administered, with educational videos for epidemic prevention
a national coverage rate of 3.64%. were produced and translated into multiple
4. Medical Response and Medical Supplies foreign languages. Various media platforms,
Preparedness including broadcasting, online media, and the
(1) Continued to adapt to changes in the epidemic, public warning service, were expropriated and
continually refining infection control measures utilized to disseminate real-time and transparent
in healthcare facilities and laboratory biosafety domestic and international epidemic information,
policies, preparing contingency strategies as well as various epidemic prevention decisions
and guidelines, gradually easing COVID-19 and measures.
prevention measures, and returning to normal (2) Taiwan CDC expanded the capacity of its
management of healthcare facilities. "1922 Hotline," and additional features such
(2) Continued to establish government quarantine as automated SMS replies and voice message
facilities to accommodate individuals undergoing capabilities were introduced to ensure efficient
isolation / quarantine, as well as mild cases call diversion. These measures aimed to ensure
in accordance with the CECC's principle for that inquiring individuals could promptly access
admitting and treating confirmed COVID-19 the information they needed. When the Central