Page 88 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 88

2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

            2. Novel Influenza A Virus Infections (Flu Pandemic)  cases, 36 cases from the Navy's Friendship Flotilla,
              (1)  Information on the avian influenza epidemic   3 aircraft infections, and 4 cases of unknown origin.
                 was exchanged through an interagency        2. Border Quarantine
                 communication platform to ensure stringent    (1)  With the downgrading of COVID-19 prevention
                 surveillance of avian influenza variants and the risk   measures, border quarantine policies have
                 of their spreading to humans. Health monitoring   been steadily relaxed and opened, including the
                 took place among frontline workers handling the   removal of requirements for PCR test reports
                 slaughter of poultry and cleaning and disinfection   before arrival, on-arrival saliva PCR tests, entry
                 of poultry farms. A total of 1,523 individuals were   quarantine, and self-health management. Airport
                 monitored in 2023, and no human infection with   and seaport quarantine operations have returned
                 avian influenza was detected.                    to normal, with continued health assessments
              (2)  Surveillance of the antigenicity, drug resistance,   and necessary measures for symptomatic arrivals.
                 and genetic changes of flu viruses as well    (2)  Regarding border traffic and related industries
                 as emergence of novel flus continued. With      such as aircraft and various types of vessels
                 international norms / rules considered, the     (commercial ships, offshore wind power vessels,
                 establishment of the Advance Purchase           distant-water fishing boats, etc.), the competent
                 Agreement (APA) mechanism was proposed.         authority of each targeted industry has already
                 The MOHW has reserved influenza antiviral drugs   reviewed, integrated, and discontinued the
                 sufficient for 10-15% of the population.          implementation of special pandemic prevention
                                                                 plans formulated during COVID-19. Furthermore,
            Section 6  Prevention and Control of
                                                                 supervision was  conducted  to  ensure  that
                        COVID-19                                 industries incorporated self-initiated prevention
                 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan    measures into their ongoing Business Continuity
            officially designated COVID-19 as a Category V       Planning (BCP).
            communicable disease on January 15, 2020. This     (3)  To protect the health and safety of frontline
            was followed by the establishment of the Central     personnel at international and "Mini Three
            Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on January 20 to      Links" ports, guidelines for personnel health
            take charge of the mobilization required to meet the   management and environmental cleaning and
            emergency. On May 1, 2023, considering the trend     disinfection have been established. On-site
            of milder COVID-19 and increased protection due to   units use these to develop epidemic prevention
            widespread vaccination, COVID-19 was reclassified    management plans, implementing and
            as a Category IV Communicable Disease. The CECC      internalizing various infection control measures.
            was deactivated on the same day, with the Ministry   3. Community Quarantine
            of Health and Welfare establishing an inter-agency   (1)  After evaluating disease trends, domestic
            prevention and control liaison committee to continue   medical capacity and consulting international
            COVID-19 preparedness and response work.
                                                                 policies and experts, the case definition was
            1. Overview                                          adjusted from March 20, 2023. Only complicated
               The end of 2023, COVID-19 continued to affect the   (moderate to severe) cases meeting clinical
               world, with at least 780 million confirmed cases and   and laboratory criteria needed to be reported.
               over 7.01 million deaths globally. WHO indicated   Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases with
               that the virus continues to mutate, posing an     positive rapid tests were no longer required to
               ongoing health threat. Domestically, there have been   be reported or isolated, but needed to practice
               a cumulative total of 1,0269,349 confirmed cases   "0+n self-health management". After assessing
               (including cases redefined since March 20, 2023),   domestic and international situations, virus
               with 10,210,842 domestic cases, 58,464 imported   mutations, vaccination rates, and herd immunity,

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