Page 68 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
health, the "Indigenous Peoples Health Act" was service and prenatal health guidance. In 2023, 15
announced by the President on June 21, 2023. counties and cities applied for the program.
Following the law, the Ministry established the
"Health Policy Conference of Indigenous Peoples" Section 3 Health Care for Rare Disease
and held a meeting on September 8th. Additionally, Patients and Groups with
on December 29th, the "National Indigenous Special Health Needs
Peoples Health Research Center" was inaugurated 1. In order to prevent and encourage early diagnosis
at the National Health Research Institutes to and treatment of rare diseases, as well as to assist
strengthen evidence-based investigation and patients in obtaining orphan drugs and special
research on indigenous peoples' health. nutritional foods essential for the maintenance of life,
Section 2 Health Care for New Immigrants in 2000, Taiwan promulgated the Rare Disease and
The MOHW has promoted the following policies Orphan Drug Act, becoming the fifth nation in the
to improve the reproductive health of new immigrants world to introduce legislation specifically designed
before their inclusion in the national healthcare to protect the rights and interests of rare disease
insurance system, and to reduce the barriers caused patients. Since then, the Act has been amended
by language, which hinder their adaptation to life or three times. As of the end of 2023, a total of 20,916
access to medical care: rare diseases cases had been reported. The MOHW
1. Since 2011, new immigrant pregnant women has constructed a comprehensive medical service
whose spouses are ROC citizens have been entitled network for rare diseases, thus helping patients
to the same prenatal care benefits as Taiwanese to secure the care and subsidies they need. The
nationals. As of July 1, 2021, the number of outcomes achieved for rare disease services for
prenatal examinations for pregnant women has 2023 is shown in Figure 4-6.
increased from 10 to 14, and the number of routine 2. Health care for Yu Cheng Patients
ultrasound examinations has increased from 1 to 3. (1) To protect the healthcare rights and interests
Additionally, screening for gestational diabetes and of Yu Cheng patients, the "Yu Cheng Patients
anemia has been newly introduced. As of 2023, a Health Care Services Act" was enacted on
total of 3,514 cases have been subsidized. February 4, 2015, and amended on November
2. To provide new immigrant pregnant women with 16, 2016, specifically revising Articles 4 and 12.
reproductive guidance and health education This legislation offers various services, including
counselling, check if cases receiving regular checks emergency care under National Health Insurance
and is referred to relevant resources. From 2021 the (NHI), complimentary health screenings, dedicated
comprehensive health plan for local subsidy was clinics for Yu Cheng patients, and partial coverage
included, handling the "New Immigrant Pregnant of hospitalization expenses for first-generation Yu
Woman Reproduction Guidance" evaluation Cheng patients. Moreover, it eased the criteria
indicators. The achievement rate in 2023 was 98%. for identifying Yu Cheng patients, established
3. To reduce new immigrants' treatment difficulties the Yu Cheng Patients Health Care Promotion
caused by the language barrier, local health bureaus Council, and provided compensation to the
have applied for the "Interpreter Training Program families of these patients. On September 5,
among New Immigrants" with the Ministry of the 2022, revised guidelines on "The Standard of
Interior's "New Immigrants Development Fund" Criterion for Polychlorionated Biphenyls (PCBs)
since 2011. Local health bureaus have promoted and Polychlorinated Dibenzofuran (PCDF)
training of interpreters among new immigrants who Concentrations in Blood" to safeguard the rights
have lived in Taiwan for many years, so that they can of suspected Yu Cheng patients.
assist the health departments' personnel in visiting (2) As of the end of 2023, there were a total of
new immigrants and providing them with outpatient 1,884 registered Yu Cheng patients, including