Page 149 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 149

11 | Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services

                  Section 3  Intervention for Sexual Assault      Reporting Center. This center provides complaint
                                                                  handling, immediate removal and deletion of sexual
                                                                  images, consultation hotline services, and referral
                  1. Active coordination for the establishment of venues   services for victims as needed.
                    for compulsory treatment of sexual assault offenders
                    after completing sentences by Article 37 Sexual   Section 1  Overview of Services for the
                    Assault Crime Prevention Act: As of the end of            Prevention of Child and Youth
                    2023, there were five venues accepting 9 offenders.         Sexual Exploitation
                  2. In terms of community intervention provided for sexual   1. In 2023, the competent authorities in counties
                    assault offenders, in 2023 a total of 7,788 offenders   and cities received a total of 3,354 reports of child
                    underwent treatment and counseling, including 45   and youth sexual exploitation. The most common
                    who were deemed not to need treatment, 1,789 who   type was "filming or producing materials depicting
                    completed the intervention and 4,891 who were still   children or youths engaged in sexual or obscene
                    undergoing intervention. There were 16 offenders   acts" (2,914 cases, 86.88%). The numbers and
                    referred for compulsory treatment, 561 whose    proportions of various types of reported cases are
                    intervention was suspended for specific reasons, and   shown in Figure 11-4.
                    486 for whom intervention was not carried out. Of the
                    community treatment cases for which intervention   2. In the cases reported in 2023, placement
                    was not carried out for a reason, counties / cities   and protection services were provided to 106
                    governments imposed administrative fines on 855   individuals, and over 30,000 instances of support
                    people and 580 referred for compulsory treatment.  services were rendered, including care visiting,
                                                                    counseling, educational assistance, financial aid,
                  Chapter 4 Prevention of Children and              family intervention, employment assistance, and
                               Youths Sexual Exploitation           healthcare resources for new and ongoing cases.
                               and Handling of Sexual             Section 2  Status of Handling Sexual
                               Images Involving Children                      Images
                               and Youths                         1. Removal of sexual images:
                      To prevent of children and youths sexual      (1)  In cooperation with the National Communications
                  exploitation, and address the diverse and complex    Commission's establishment of the Institute
                  forms of online sexual exploitation and sexual images,   of Watch Internet Network (iWIN) to address
                  the Ministry established a Sexual Image Abuse        harmful online content impacting children and

                                 Proportion of Various Types of Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Cases
                   Figure 11-4
                                 Handled by County and City Competent Authorities in 2023

                                  86.88 % 2,914 cases                                6.41 % 215 cases
                                  filming or producing                               causing children or
                                  materials depicting                                youths to engage in
                                  children or youths                                 sexual acts or obscene
                                  engaging in sexual acts                            conduct in exchange for
                                  or obscene conduct                                 compensation
                                  1.94% 65 cases                                    4.77% 160 cases
                                  using children or                                 causing children or youths
                                  youths to engage in                               to work as hostesses, or
                                  sexual acts or                                    perform in sexually-orient-
                                  obscene conduct for                               ed escorting, singing,
                                  viewing                                           dancing, etc.
                         Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare

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