Page 145 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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11 | Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services

                  in the public and private sectors and the expansion   cases involved intimate violence, with women being
                  of the function of the domestic violence protection   the majority of victims (75.08%). (Figure 11-3).
                  network to enhance the efficiency of case handling   During 2017-2023, the number of elderly (aged
                  and deepen victim services. Additionally, in 2021, the   65 and older) abuse cases increased slightly each year,
                  Taiwan Intimate Partner Violence Danger Assessment   as shown in Table 11-1.
                  (TIPVDA) form and the risk and treatment assessment   In  2023,  the  municipal  and  county  (city)
                  version were revised for use by frontline personnel.  governments provided assistance and protection to
                                                                  over 1.82 million victims of domestic violence. The total
                  Section 1  Status of Domestic Violence
                                                                  amount of assistance provided exceeded NTD 994.91
                              Services                            million. The main forms of assistance included shelter
                      The Domestic Violence Prevention Act        and accommodation subsidies, emergency livelihood
                  (hereinafter referred to as the Domestic Violence Act)   support, psychological rehabilitation assistance,
                  was promulgated on June 24, 1998, and more than   medical assistance, legal fees, and litigation expenses,
                  100,000 victims have been reported every year in   among others. (See Table 11-2).
                  recent years since then. In 2023, most of the reported

                   Figure 11-3   Reported Victims of Domestic Violence by Gender, 2023

                      80.0%         75.081%                  Male     Female       Other     Unknown
                     50.0%                              45.64%                           48.40%
                     40.0%                                            37.04%


                                         0.005%             0.05%                                  0.02%
                        0%                 0.003%              0.26%            0% 0.01%              0.01%
                               Violence between Intimate   Child and   Abuse of Elder Lineal   Violence between
                              Partners (Including marriage,   adolescent   Relatives by Blood by   other family members
                               divorce, and cohabitation)  protection  Younger Lineal Relatives

                    Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare

                    Table 11-1   Elderly Victims of Domestic Violence in the Last 5 Years

                                                                                                 Unit: People (‰ )
                                    Number of elderly victims of   Nationwide elderly   Proportion in nationwide
                                        domestic violence           population           elderly population
                         2019                10,504                 3,607,127                  2.9‰
                         2020                11,822                 3,787,315                  3.1‰
                         2021                13,127                 3,939,033                  3.3‰
                         2022                14,167                 4,085,793                  3.5‰
                         2023                15,730                 4,296,985                  3.7‰
                  Source: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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