Page 146 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 146
2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
Domestic Violence Protective Assistance Incidents and Monetary Amounts
Table 11-2
in the Last 5 Years
Unit: person / dollar
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Protective Assistance
Incidents 1,137,300 1,617,703 1,732,408 1,769,726 1,828,217
Protective Assistance
Monetary Amounts 602,390,069 606,184,919 911,130,992 883,785,448 994,913,684
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare
Section 2 Diverse Intervention for Victims 4. Services and Educational Promotion for Family
Violence Victims in Indigenous Tribes: In 2023,
of Domestic Violence
In response to the multiple needs of the victims subsidies were provided for 9 projects related to
of domestic violence at different stages of recovery, victim services, amounting to NTD 7,309,497, and
we constantly assist local governments in promoting for 20 projects related to family violence and sexual
domestic violence prevention in collaboration with assault prevention education promotion, amounting
NGOs with the Public Welfare Lottery Subsidization to NTD 4,575,819.
Fund. The relevant programs are as follows: 5. Domestic violence services for new immigrants:
1. Implementation of the mid- or long-term sheltering Subsidized NGOs in to handle the services for
resources program for victims of domestic violence: domestic violence protection programs for new
Funding was provided to NGOs to offer community immigrants. In 2023, 3 cases were subsidized,
residential services to victims. In 2023, a total of totaling NTD 3.205000 million. Local governments
13 projects were subsidized and implemented in also received counseling on using the new
12 counties and cities, benefiting 104 households immigrant development fund to set up personal
comprising 224 individuals (including 104 victims, safety protection programs for new immigrants. A
3 accompanying family members and 117 total of NTD 10.842141 million in subsidies were
accompanying children). provided to 10 programs.
2. The domestic violence office near court: NGOs were 6. One-stop, Multidimensional Family Violence Services:
subsidized to establish 19 domestic violence service In 2023, subsidies were provided for 33 projects,
offices near the courts, providing services such totaling over NTD 98.96 million, offering protection
as legal consultations for victims, accompanying and support services to 207,785 victims, counseling
them to court, and offering shelter and placement services to 34,303 child and adolescent witnesses,
assistance. In 2023, a total of 10 projects were employment services to 10,652 victims, family
subsidized, amounting to NTD 6.555538 million in relationship restoration services to 2,676 individuals,
2023, serving more than 120,000 persons. and group activity services to 11,345 individuals,
with a total of over 260,000 service instances.
3. Counseling and treatment program for children
and juvenile witnessing the family violence: NGOs Section 3 Intervention for Domestic
were subsidized to develop a program for children Violence Offenders
and juvenile witnessing the family violence in 1. Supervising local governments in implementing
conjunction. In 2023, the program subsidized 9 treatment programs: In 2023, a total of 5,698 persons
projects, totaling NTD 6.779471 million.
required treatment; treatment was completed for