Page 151 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 151
11 | Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services
youth protection, providing assistance to 610 2. Strengthening of professional child and youth
abused children and youths through examinations, protection training:
treatments, as well as offering 2,348 sessions of (1) Training for new recruits: In 2023, 2 sessions
mind-body therapy. of educational training were conducted for
3. Program for follow-up and trauma support services newly recruited child and adolescent protection
for the protection of the elderly and persons with social workers. The training covered various
disabilities: In 2023, subsidies were provided topics, including an overview of child and
to 12 non-governmental organizations in 10 adolescent protection services, legal regulations,
counties and cities to conduct services including investigation procedures, and intervention service
elderly protection casework, family relationship skills. A total of 100 individuals successfully
restoration, and supportive group activities, serving completed the training.
approximately 3,156 individuals. Additionally, 56 (2) Education and training for professionals providing
supportive group activities and 80 promotional support services to disadvantaged adolescents
events were organized. and their families: Through regional supervision,
4. Pilot program for preventive care services for the the challenges encountered in implementing
protection of the elderly: In 2023, the Ministry the programs by various units were discussed,
granted funding to 12 counties/cities to empower aiming to enhance professional knowledge and
enthusiastic and capable community members to improve work capacity. In 2023, a total of 9
assist social workers in visiting and caring for low- sessions were conducted, with 905 participants.
risk elderly protection cases reported, reducing the 3. Deepening the quality and education of elder and
risk of improper treatment due to social isolation. disabled persons' protection work:
The Ministry also provided timely services as (1) Organized an elder protection and prevention
needed. A total of 286 care visitors were trained, network consensus camp: In October 2023, 120
and follow-up care services were provided for 300 directors and senior executives from central and
low-risk elderly protection cases reported. local long-term care, vulnerable family, elderly
Section 3 Quality and Education in Child welfare, and protection services departments
were invited to discuss a multi-agency
and Adolescent, Elderly, and
collaboration mechanism with one primary
Disabled Protection Work
responsible agency. This aimed to enhance
1. Organized review meetings and cooperation cooperation and consensus among various
meetings for major child and adolescent abuse network units.
cases: In 2023, 2 meetings were convened to (2) Developed a program for neglect recognition tools
discuss case studies, identify systemic or cross- and referral guidelines for the elderly: Recognizing
departmental issues, and hold 187 meetings the challenges in identifying cases of elderly
to strengthen the cross-network cooperation neglect, the Ministry completed the development
mechanism for child and adolescent protection. of elder neglect identification tools and triage
Consistent monitoring indicators were established, guidelines in 2023. These tools are intended
and scholars/experts were commissioned to for use by responsible reporting personnel.
participate in the implementation process at local Additionally, six sessions of seed instructor training
governments, providing operational models for were conducted, with 329 long-term care service
practical application. providers, medical personnel, and social workers
completing the training.
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