Page 153 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 153
12 | Research, Development, and International Cooperation
Chapter 1 Technological Studies on 2. Food and Drug Management
Health and Welfare (1) In response to Japan's discharge of treated
The budget for technological development in water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, the
2023 was NTD 5.15 billion, accounting for 1.4% of Ministry implemented tritium monitoring for
MOHW's budget. This funding was mainly used for imported fishery products from Japan. The
empirical studies, innovation, translational research, results were made public on the inter-ministerial
and health and welfare data analysis and statistics radiation monitoring dashboard. In 2023, 100
compilation in accordance with public health and social samples were monitored, and all results were
welfare policies. We commissioned or subsidized 781 below the minimum detectable activity.
research projects, and the actual application rate for (2) Established and published 38 testing methods
technological achievements was 84.53%. for pesticides, veterinary drugs and food
additives in food, and biological species
Section 1 Task-Oriented Research to
identification, expanding the analysis to more
Support Evidence-Based than 669 items. Furthermore, the Ministry
Policymaking developed risk monitoring models using artificial
1. Population Health Promotion intelligence and machine learning approaches,
improving the prediction models for various
(1) Developed an Artificial Intelligence-assisted tool product classifications. The use of AI in customs
for lung cancer registration and early detection clearance increased the rate of detecting non-
as well as implemented pilots in hospitals. compliant imported products by 1.17 times
(2) Based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) compared to not using AI, thereby strengthening
monitoring framework, recommendations were food safety management.
provided for indicators related to chronic disease (3) Revised 2 draft guidelines and criteria for the
prevention and control in Taiwan, as well as review of regenerative medicine products and
indicators and analytical methods for assessing biosimilars. The Ministry conducted technical
the actual utilization and effectiveness of adult data evaluations for 23 cases of clinical trials
preventive health care services. and marketing authorizations for regenerative
(3) Established blood pressure stations in medicine products, ensuring rigorous quality,
community pharmacies to assist citizens in safety, and efficacy assessments. Additionally,
blood pressure measurement and self-health 777 technical data evaluations for clinical trial
management. Through professional guidance safety were carried out, assessing the relative
from pharmacists, health education on lifestyle, benefits and risks of drug use for the Taiwanese
and the establishment of referral standards for population to safeguard medication safety.
medical treatment, citizens' knowledge and (4) For domestic innovative medical device
capabilities in hypertension prevention and manufacturers, the Ministry formed professional
control were enhanced. advisory teams to assist companies in preparing
(4) Established a cross-year sampling and weighting technical documentation for their products. As of
method for the National Health Interview Survey. 2023, more than 40 cases were advised, and 10
Between 2021 and 2022, 24,304 cases were products obtained medical device licenses.
successfully interviewed. Analysis was conducted 3. Research, Development and Promotion of
on key health issues to provide reference for Traditional Chinese Medicine
planning health promotion programs for relevant
agencies. (1) Promoted the international journal, Journal of
(5) Analyzed the current oral health status and Traditional and Complementary Medicine (JTCM),
which was included in the SCI Expanded
issues of children under 6 years old in Taiwan and database in April 2021. It became the first
proposed policy recommendations for oral health.