Page 154 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 154
2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
SCIE-accredited academic journal in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Applications for
traditional and complementary medicine in our intellectual property and trademarks have been
country. In June 2022, it received its first journal filed under the name Taiwan Brain Clear No. 1.
impact factor of 4.221 and consistently improved Furthermore, basic research has verified that
its ranking in the field of "Complementary and the Taiwan NRICM101 formula is effective in
Alternative Medicine." In 2023, the journal's alleviating post-COVID-19 brain fog.
impact factor rose to 4.5, ranking 5th (5/97) in 4. National Indigenous Peoples Health Research Center
this field, classifying it as a Q1 journal (top 25%). The Indigenous Peoples Health Act was passed by
Currently, 13 volumes with 57 issues and 702 the Legislative Yuan on its third reading on May 26,
articles have been published. 2023, and promulgated by the President on June 21.
(2) Formulated the "Operational Procedure In accordance with the law, the Ministry subsidized
for Phototherapy in Heroin Addiction" and the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) to
implemented the treatment to assist addicted establish the "National Indigenous Peoples Health
individuals in reducing drug cravings and Research Center," which was officially inaugurated on
maintaining a stable rate of follow-up visits. December 29 to assist the government in planning
(3) Continue to improve the acupuncture virtual and improving programs to enhance the overall
reality model and established remote multi- health and quality of life for indigenous peoples.
user interactive modes, VR video playback, and 5. Promoting International Cooperation in Geriatric
objective structured clinical examination teaching Medicine Research
plans (OSCE) modes. The "Aging Health Integration Research Center,"
(4) Analytical methods for assessing the quality formed by Taipei Veterans General Hospital, National
of Chinese herbal medicines were developed, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and the NHRI,
and completed a total of 214 methods. These signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement
analytical data were included in a database (the with the National Center for Geriatrics and
Quality Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicines, Gerontology in Japan and the Tokyo Metropolitan
qaTCM) for application by industry, government, Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontology to
academia, and research institutions. collaborate on research in geriatric medicine and
(5) Developed an innovative Chinese herbal the science of aging.
compound formula, NDD2, aimed at treating
Inauguration ceremony of the National Indigenous Peoples Health Research Center.