Page 158 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 158
2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
development, clinical trials, consultation and training. connection software updates. In addition, access
Since 2019, the two transferred manufacturers policy management equipment setup and remote
were assisted in conducting Phase III clinical trials in connection software update have been completed.
Vietnam. The manufacturers successively obtained 2. Service Content and Service Quantity
formal drug permit licenses from Taiwan Food and In 2023, the number of database opened for
Drug Administration in January and April of 2023. application was adjusted to 112 and the HWDC
The vaccine became available for public vaccination including the headquarters and 10 research sub-
starting in July, marking Taiwan's first vaccine centers provided 125 computers for services.
developed entirely domestically from strain selection, Due to the relocation of partial operating sites and
R&D, technology transfer to market launch. hardware replacement, the operating days in 2023
4. NHRI Bioproduction Plant II and National Infectious was fewer than in 2022, as well as conclusion of
Diseases Bank some large-scale research used in research sub-
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard centers, person-days of service, annual case-times
public health and safety with government and private of actual usage and case-times of reviewed statistic
sector support, NHRI planned the Bioproduction result carried out (Table 12-1) decreased by an
Plant II and National Infectious Diseases Bank (NIDB) average of one-tenth compared to 2022.
facilities. Groundbreaking was held on October 12, 3. Promoting Database Leading to R&D of Biomedicine
2023 at the NHRI Zhunan campus.
(1) The inter-agency "Sustainable Platform for
Section 3 Application Service of Health Big Data in Health" project was successively
completed the lung cancer and breast cancer
and Welfare Data
thematic databases in 2023 and opened for
1. Management of Applications Service Platform application, while the cardiovascular disease
The Health and Welfare Data Science Center thematic database will go soon be available online
(HWDC) has continued to collaborate with the at the Ministry's Statistics Center and National
"Health Big Data Sustainable Platform" project in Health Insurance Administration respectively.
2023 by opening the lung cancer and breast cancer (2) The "Cancer Precision Medicine and Biobank
topic databases cooperatively established with NHRI Consortium Collaboration Pilot Project" marked the
for external application use. The high-density storage first large-scale international collaboration project
of the "Health Big Data Zone" has been expanded between the public and private (industry) sectors
from 900TB to 1,500TB, with completion of access under the MOHW. This project involves 12 hospitals
policy management equipment setup and remote and 4 international pharmaceutical companies and
Groundbreaking Ceremony for Bioproduction Plant and National Infectious Diseases
Bank Platform