Page 157 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 157
12 | Research, Development, and International Cooperation
(2) Commissioned research project for developing Section 2 Developing Innovative and
Taiwan Elder Neglect Screening Tool( TENST) Translational Research
Through literature review, database analysis,
focus groups, and two-stage questionnaire pilots, 1. Technology patent licensing
completed TENST. Conducted 6 sessions of seed In 2023, various units of the Ministry headquarters,
instructor training for 329 long-term care service subordinate agencies, and supervised legal persons
providers, medical personnel, and social workers. had a total of 29 authorization cases (11 first-
In September 2023, the operational guidelines time authorizations, 18 continuous authorizations).
and teaching materials for TENST were published Income from research and development
on the Ministry's Protection Department website achievements totaled NTD 17,994,271, as shown in
for reference by mandatory reporting personnel. Figure 12-1.
11. Encouraging implementing of Assistive Technology 2. Promoting multi-institutional research in Cancer
at Day Care Centers Translational Research Program
Subsidizing day care centers to implementing For the high-risk non-smoking lung cancer
and utilizing smart assistive technology devices population selected in this study, low-dose
to enhance the independent living skills of service computed tomography (LDCT) screening was
recipients, optimize service quality, and reduce staff used, with a lung cancer prevalence rate of 2.65%,
workload. This subsidy program is performance- and over 95% were stage I or earlier lung cancers.
based, with funding determined by the effectiveness The recommendations of this project led to the
of technology implementation at each center. implementation of a national LDCT lung cancer
Additionally, through holding conference, and local screening program in Taiwan starting July 1, 2023,
governments assisted set benchmarks to showcase which includes not only heavy smokers but also
service effectiveness. This year, 20 day care centers individuals with a family history of lung cancer as
are planned to be guided in implementing smart eligible for free screening. This makes Taiwan the
assistive technology devices, establishing successful first country globally to provide LDCT lung cancer
case models for continued promotion and advocacy. screening services for individuals with a family
12. Exploring Economic Security for the Elderly Insured history of lung cancer.
Under the National Pension Program 3. Enterovirus 71 Vaccine
Collected and linked data on National Pension The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI)
Program insured individuals' participation in other began developing an enterovirus 71 vaccine in 2007.
social insurance and welfare benefit claims to Phase I clinical trials began in 2009, with technology
understand the economic situations of those transfer to two domestic manufacturers from 2010 to
insured under the national program. 2013. Continued guidance was provided on process
Figure 12-1 Annual R&D Revenue Trends
NTD ten thousands
2,000 1,799
1,000 864 912
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year
Source: Office of Science and Technology, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)