Page 155 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 155
12 | Research, Development, and International Cooperation
Signing ceremony for Taiwan-Japan cooperation in geriatric medicine research (Photo
source: Taipei Veterans General Hospital)
6. Taiwan Alliance for Precision Environmental 7. Omnidirectional Reinforcement of National Health
Medicine, TPEM Insurance System
In April 2023, NHRI collaborated with 11 (1) Implementation of information governance,
major medical institutions in northern, central, refinement of service quality: Promoted the
and southern Taiwan to establish the "Taiwan planning and assessment of outpatient bundled
Alliance for Precision Environmental Medicine payment policies and established a mechanism
(TPEM)." Based on local characteristics, human for tracking the therapeutic effectiveness of
biomonitoring surveys were conducted on high-cost treatment technologies. Successfully
important environmental issues in each region concluded 106 health technology assessment
to provide localized and health equity policy reports and developed a standardized framework
recommendations. Additionally, the NHRI actively for real world evidence.
cooperated with the Ministry of Environment to (2) National healthcare insurance database value-
promote research on environmental health, climate added application and digital transformation:
change, and net-zero carbon emissions. NHRI also Integrated the application process for medical
joined hands with the Ministry of Environment's imaging AI utilization and existing academic
National Environmental Research Academy to research applications. Developed intelligent
formulate plans for establishing international review tools for AI model evaluation; continued to
environmental health research cooperation with refine the application of personal health records;
the National Institute of Environmental Research strengthened digital review operations; and
(NIER) in South Korea and the National Institute for established a disease prediction system based
Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan. on the National Health Insurance database,
evaluating pilot implementation areas.