Page 147 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 147
11 | Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services
2,285 persons, treatment was in progress for 2,388 conferences were convened by municipal, cities
persons, treatment was not implemented for 1,025 and county governments every month to draw up
persons, out of which 691 were referred for judicial a comprehensive safety program for victims. A total
ruling because of breach of the protection order. of 563 cross network platform conferences were
2. In 2023, the MOHW subsidized 319 mental conducted in 2023 with 13,104 cases put up for
health social workers and 56 supervisors for local discussion. Intervention by the preventive network
governments in order to strengthen the Social Safety reduced the level of risk in 7,183 cases, or 54.8%.
Net. The Protective Services and Psychiatric Care of 2. The precision plan of Taiwan Intimate Partner
multiple issues against psychotic disorders and suicide Violence Danger Assessment Tools (TIPVDA):
prevention in cases involving children and youth The Taiwan Intimate Partner Violence Danger
protection, domestic violence, sexual assault since Assessment form was revised and officially launched
case activated, and cases with bipolar disorder who on January 1, 2023. The Ministry also produced
have left correctional institutions or ended custody digital teaching materials and manuals, available on
and protection. Mental health social workers were the e-Learning Platform for Civil Servants and the
assigned to perform periodic assessment of violence Ministry's website. Additionally, local governments
risk, suicide risk, psychotic condition, family functions, were informed to notify their family violence
and multiple needs; and provide integrated services prevention network personnel to complete the
for the cases and their families. As of the end of 2023, education and training and promote it widely.
the county and city governments have recruited 291
mental health social workers and supervisors, with an Chapter 3 Prevention of Sexual
employment rate of 77.6%. 13,451 people in multiple Assault and Sexual
issues were currently on file, and 13,142 mental health Harassment
social workers were assigned to serve with a service Sexual assault and sexual harassment issues
coverage rate of 97.7%. tend to involve issues including gender inequality and
3. Preventive Service Program for Domestic Violence power and control. In addition, the general public often
Offenders holds gender misconception over victims of sexual
(1) The 0800-013-999 male hotline was established assault and sexual harassment. To actively enhance
to consult men in domestic conflicts and reduce the willingness to accept service intervention and
the chance of violence. In 2023, the hotline receive proper services of victims of sexual assault and
received 8,373 calls and serving 6,613 person sexual harassment, multiple and appropriate treatment
times (including 345 in-depth services, 6,246 services were provided for victims and offenders of
general consultation services and 22 emergency sexual assault and sexual harassment, and sexual
case services). assault and sexual harassment prevention education
(2) Surplus from the public welfare lottery subsidize was arranged for the public, and the professional
domestic violence offender prevention and service competence and handling skills of online
treatment services programs, which are jointly prevention personnel are strengthened to protect the
hosted by local governments and NGOs. In rights and interests of service recipients.
2023, there were 30 programs subsidized, with Section 1 Status of Sexual Assault and
total subsidized of NTD 39.46 million.
Sexual Harassment Services
Section 4 Quality of Domestic Violence 1. Overview of sexual assault services
Prevention and Education (1) In 2023, a total of 9,413 victims were reported,
1. Promoting the "Domestic Violence Safety Net where 81.78% were female, including 44.43%
Program": For victims of domestic violence assessed aged 12-18, and 11.81% were probable or
to be in a life-threatening situation, cross-platform confirmed persons with disabilities; 88.19% of