Page 144 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 144
2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
(2) Various Types of Sexual Harassment Consultation Section 4 Long-Term Employment for
Cases in 2023: There were 2,023 sexual Social Workers Specializing in
harassment consultation cases in 2023
(accounting for 2.5% of effective consultation Protective Services
cases). The most common were cases of sexual 1. Plan of strengthening local government social
harassment in public places, with 1,103 cases worker assignment and career development: In
(55%) falling under the Sexual Harassment 2023, the plan subsidized 688 social workers who
Prevention Act. Workplace sexual harassment engaged in child protection and domestic violence
cases numbered 713 (35%) and were governed and sexual assault prevention, with subsidies
by the Gender Equality in Employment Act. amounting to more than NTD 387.81 million.
School-related sexual harassment cases 2. Enforcing the Protective Social Workers Training
numbered 207 (10%) and were governed by the Implementation Plan: This includes the MOHW's
Gender Equality Education Act, as illustrated in own initiative and supervision of local governments
Figure 11-2. to conduct relevant educational training based on
the demand for protective social workers, aiming
Section 3 Promoting Prevention of
to enhance the quality of professional services.
Gender-Based Violence In 2023, a total of 90 training sessions were
1. Promoted the primary violence prevention plan conducted, with 5,941 people participants.
in communities: By providing funding assistance,
community groups were guided to organize Chapter 2 Prevention of Domestic
localized gender-based violence prevention and Violence
education activities. In 2023, a total of 22 county To prevent domestic violence and protect
and city governments were granted subsidies, with the rights and interests of victims, the Ministry has
663 communities participating. promoted and supervised local governments to
2. Training community violence prevention lecturers: proactively develop various victim protection support
To cultivate community violence prevention lecturers programs and deploy related service resources,
that would promote violence prevention in local strengthen the offender treatment program and
neighborhoods and villages. As of the end of 2023, develop preventive service programs. In addition, we
211 community violence prevention lecturers have improved the professional competence of personnel
been successfully trained and obtained certification. through education and training. In 2018, we began to
These lecturers conducted over 3,400 sessions and cooperate with the confirmation of the mechanism for
benefited more than 270,000 people. division of labor and cooperation of protective services
Proportion of Various Types of Sexual Harassment Consultation Cases
Figure 11-2
Reported to the 113 Protection Hotline in 2023
55 % 1,103
Sexual Harass-
ment in Public 35 % 713
Places Workplace Sexual
10 % 207
Sexual Harassment
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare