Page 143 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 143
11 | Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services
Chapter 1 Prevention of Gender- and interrogating children and adolescents in sexual
Based Violence image cases to enhance the work on preventing
Gender-based violence (GBV) refers to violent sexual exploitation.
acts directed at an individual in terms of physical, 2. Purple Ribbon Award Ceremony: The Purple Ribbon
gender, and psychological harms and sufferings. Award is the highest honor in protective services
Common patterns include intimate partner violence work. In 2023, 61 cross-disciplinary professionals
(IPV), sexual assault, sexual harassment, and were nominated by various sectors. After preliminary
the sexual images, as well as abuse on children, selection, field interviews, and final selection,
adolescents, elderly people, and persons with 16 professionals from the fields of social affairs,
disabilities. In addition to laws and policies, by health care, police, prosecution, and education,
establishing a cross-ministerial coordination network, specializing in adult protection, child and adolescent
reporting system, and information platform; raising the protection, and the prevention of sexual assault and
awareness of GBV prevention; and encouraging social harassment, were awarded this honor.
workers to engage in protective social work as full-time Section 2 Reporting System and
and long-term profession, we effectively enforce GBV Information Platform
prevention to build a safe and friendly society.
1. Implemented the statutory responsibility report and
Section 1 Inter-departmental Network established the National Protection Information
Integration Mechanism System and Case Management Process Control
1. Establish inter-departmental communication System: "Promoting ECARE Plan." A case tracking
platform: In 2023, three meetings of the Domestic management mechanism was put in place, and an
Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Promotion information sharing platform was established for the
Group were held to review the current promotion use of a prevention and control network by related
of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention staff.
and put forward suggestions for improving inter- 2. 113 Protection Hotline:
professional network coordination and intervention (1) In 2023, there were 79,865 effective consultation
strategy. Additionally, two consultation meetings cases received, including 18,161 reported
on the prevention of sexual exploitation of children protection incidents (22% of effective consultation
and adolescents were held. During these meetings, cases). Among these, adult protection cases
ministries were urged to strengthen educational numbered 10,738 (59%), followed by child
promotion and discuss the mechanisms for and adolescent protection cases with 6,358
academic counseling for victims of child and youth (35%), sexual assault cases with 669 (4%), and
sexual exploitation, the procedures for removing vulnerable families service cases with 396 (2%),
sexual images, and the simplification of summoning as illustrated in Figure 11-1.
Figure 11-1 Case Number of the 113 Protection Hotline, 2023
2% 59 %
Services for Adult protection
vulnerable families
35 %
4 % Child and adolescent
Sexual assault protection
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare