Page 146 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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11    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         11

               More than 290,000 people were served, and the   and sexual assault as well as a systemic approach
               amount of support was more than NTD 140 million   to working with incestuous families in total 3
               in assistance funds in 2022.                    sessions were conducted in 2022, benefiting over
            2. Trauma rehabilitation service for victims of sexual   140 participants.
               assault: From 2017 onwards, Trauma Recovery
                                                             Section 3  Intervention for Sexual Assault
               Centers for Sexual Assault (here in after referred
               to as "recovery centers") have been established to
               provide trauma recovery services to people who   1. Active  coordination for the  establishment  of
               experienced sexual assault in their early years and   venues for compulsory treatment of sexual assault
               did not receive judicial assistance. To enhance   offenders after completing sentences by Article
               the resources of the recovery centers, they were   22-1 Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act: As of the
               included in the second phase of the "Strengthening   end of 2022, there were nine venues accepting 9
               Social Safety Net Program" for grant assistance,   offenders.
               aiming to expand their services to other victims of   2. In terms of community intervention provided for
               sexual trauma. These services include counseling,   sexual assault offenders, in 2022 a total of 7,980
               trauma assessment, training and advocacy for    offenders underwent treatment and counseling,
               professionals, and advocacy and awareness       including 27 who were deemed not to need
               activities. In 2022, a total of 7 trauma recovery   treatment, 1,806 who completed the intervention
               centers were subsidized, which provided over 4,670   and 5,278 who were still undergoing intervention.
               hours of consultation and counseling services, as   There were 9 offenders referred for compulsory
               well as conducted 67 public awareness campaigns.  treatment, 500 whose intervention was suspended
            3. Improvement of the inspection and identification of   for specific reasons, and 360 for whom intervention
               sexual assault: 3,560 victims were provided with   was not carried out. Of the community treatment
               injury certificates in 2022, of which 3,399 cases   cases for which intervention was not carried out for
               were sent to the Criminal Police Station for testing.  a reason, counties / cities governments imposed
            4. Promoted the plan to "Reduce Repetitive Victim   administrative fines on 795 people and 723 referred
               Statements in Sexual Assault Cases": Police,    for compulsory treatment.
               prosecutors, social workers, medical and other
                                                             Section 4  Quality and Education of Sexual
               service teams worked together to improve the
                                                                        Assault and Sexual Harassment
               quality of interrogation and reduce repeated
               representations of victims. 2,213 cases in 2022          Prevention
               entered this service.                         1. Serious Sexual Assault Cases Review Meeting: In

            5. Innovation for Sexual Assault and Sexual        2022, a total of one meeting was held to review
               Harassment Integrated System: The MOHW          6  cases  covering  three  categories,  including
               continued to assist local governments in        sexual assault cases below high school or below,
               strengthening the integrated service system for   placement of institutional sexual assault cases,
               the prevention and control of sexual harassment,   and repeat sex offenders after registration. The
               providing  support  services  such as  legal    MOHW conducted the contact and supervision
               consultation to victims, and conducting over 13,000   community meetings for treatment of perpetrators,
               assessments of sexual harassment prevention     established appraisal and management
               measures. Furthermore, recognizing the complex   mechanism of community treatment personnel,
               and diverse nature of cases and related issues   and continued to improve treatment quality and
               faced by social workers in the field of sexual   reinforce supervision mechanisms. In addition, the
               assault prevention, in order to enhance service   institutional educational training of counselors was
               competence, workshops on intellectual disabilities   implemented, and supervision mechanisms were

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