Page 142 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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11    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         11

               127 community violence prevention lecturers have   Chapter 2 Prevention of Domestic
               been successfully trained and obtained certification.        Violence
               These lecturers conducted over 1,500 sessions and
                                                                 To prevent domestic violence and protect the
               benefited more than 90,000 people.
                                                             rights and interests of victims, we promoted and
            3. Promotion of digital/network gender violence victim
                                                             supervised local governments to proactively develop
               service trial plan: In 2022, there were 1,074 appeal
                                                             various victim protection support programs and deploy
               cases in which adult victims' private sex videos
                                                             related service resources, strengthen the offender
               spread without consent. Removed videos, and
                                                             treatment program and develop preventive service
               referred to suitable units with appropriate services.
                                                             programs. In addition, we improved the professional
            Section 4  Long-Term Employment for              competence of personnel through education and
                        Social Workers Specializing in       training. In 2018, we began to cooperate with the
                                                             confirmation of the mechanism for division of labor and
                        Protective Services
                                                             cooperation of protective services in the public and
            1. Plan of strengthening local government social
                                                             private sectors and the expansion of the function of the
               worker assignment and career development: In
                                                             domestic violence protection network to enhance the
               2022, the plan subsidized 692 social workers who
                                                             efficiency of case handling and deepen victim services.
               engaged in child protection and domestic violence
               and sexual assault prevention, with subsidies   Section 1  Status of Domestic Violence
               amounting to more than NTD 394.49 million.               Services
            2. Enforcing the Protective Social Workers Training   The Domestic Violence Prevention Act
               Implementation Plan: This includes the MOHW's   (hereinafter referred to as the Domestic Violence Act)
               own initiative and supervision of local governments   was promulgated on June 24, 1998, and more than
               to conduct relevant educational training based on   100,000 victims have been reported every year in
               the demand for protective social workers, aiming   recent years since then. In 2022, most of the reported
               to enhance the quality of professional services.   cases involved intimate violence, with women being
               In  2022, a  total of  33  training sessions were   the majority of victims (76.5%). (Figure 11-2).
               conducted, with 1,578 people participants.

              Figure 11-2   Reported Victims of Domestic Violence by Gender, 2022

                                                         Female      Male     Other     Unknown
                80.0%    76.5%
                                                53.4%                                54.8%
                50.0%                       46.4%
                40.0%                                                37.8%
                                 0.004%              0.03%               0.01%               0.01%
                     0              0.01%                0.2%                 0%                 0.01%
                        Violence between Intimate   Child and     Abuse of Elder Lineal   Violence between
                       Partners (Including marriage,   adolescent   Relatives by Blood by   other family members
                        divorce, and cohabitation)  protection   Younger Lineal Relatives

              Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare
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