Page 147 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 147

11                                                                      Gender-Based Violence Prevention and     11
                                                                                           Protective Services

                    reinforced, to avoid unsuitable personnel from   adolescents, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities
                    entering institutions.                        was conducted. It provided diverse interventions and
                  2. Professional training on prevention of sexual assault   treatments tailored to the specific needs of these
                    and sexual harassment: A professional training   groups, effectively ensuring their safety and well-being.
                    program for newly recruited personnel in the field   Section 1  Overview of Protection of
                    of  sexual  assault  prevention  was  conducted.
                                                                              Children, Adolescents, the
                    According to sexual harassment inspection
                    personnel training plan, conducted beginner
                    and intermediate courses, established talent      In response to the "Strengthening Social Safety
                    pool of sexual harassment inspection, provided   Net Program," we integrated child and youth protection
                    reference uses for local government, and reinforced   with the high-risk family system. There was a significant
                    investigation quality of sexual harassment.   increase in the reported cases involving children and
                                                                  youths. In 2022, 98,429 child and youth protection
                  3. Strengthening of preventive education: The MOHW
                                                                  cases were reported, including 90,555 cases (92%)
                    organized the "Respect More, Harm Less - 2022
                                                                  reported by responsible reporting personnel and 7,874
                    Annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Press
                                                                  cases (8%) by citizens. Furthermore, 50,071 cases
                    Conference" in 2022. The conference addressed
                                                                  were assigned under protection service (47,137 cases
                    various aspects, including societal considerations,
                                                                  for child and youth protection, 2,934 cases for children
                    the traumatic responses of victims of sexual
                                                                  and youths sexual exploitation at 51%), 16,941 cases
                    harassment, and the consequences associated with
                                                                  (17%) under other services, and provided tracking,
                    such behavior. The public was urged to maintain
                                                                  visitation, and care services for 1,219 cases (1%). In
                    appropriate social distance and mutual respect
                                                                  addition, we provided consultations or referrals for
                    in their daily interactions to avoid unnecessary
                                                                  8,817 cases (9%), and 21,381 cases belonged to
                    harm. News releases and promotional posts were
                                                                  other situations (22%). Among them, 39,088 cases
                    published on the department's official website
                                                                  were sent to the child and youth protection services
                    and Facebook fan page to further disseminate this
                                                                  (including referral to network units).
                                                                      Since 2018, our country has entered an aging
                  Chapter 4 Protection of Children,               society. The MOHW and local governments have
                                                                  intensified training for network personnel on their
                               Adolescents, the Elderly,
                                                                  responsibilities to report and raised public awareness
                               and Individuals with
                                                                  about elder abuse issues. As a result, the number of
                                                                  reports on elder protection has been increasing. In
                      To safeguard the personal safety and rights   2022, there were a total of 20,183 reported cases of
                  of vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly,   elder protection, with the majority 10,443 cases (52%)
                  and individuals with disabilities, the MOHW diligently   involving violence from lineal descendants (marriage or
                  enhanced various protection service processes and   blood relatives). Following that, 4,826 cases of intimate
                  implemented mechanisms to ensure quality control. It   partner violence accounted for 24%, while 2,662 cases
                  actively established relevant service resources based   (13%) involved other family members as perpetrators
                  on their specific needs, aiming to improve the quality   of abuse, and 2,252 cases (11%) were related to
                  and capacity of protection services. Additionally,   negligence, abandonment, or other circumstances.
                  in alignment with the "Strengthening Social Safety
                                                                  Section 2  Multi-Dimensional Child and
                  Net Program," the MOHW integrated protection
                  services, high-risk family reporting, and related service   Youth Protection Services
                  systems. By interconnecting diverse risk information
                                                                  1. Implemented programs to  promote  parental
                  across government departments, a comprehensive
                                                                    empowerment in child protection cases for children
                  assessment of protection and risk factors for children,
                                                                    under the age of 6: For children under age 6,

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