Page 151 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 151
Research, Development, and 12
International Cooperation
Chapter 1 Technological Studies on (2) Completed 56 on-site visits on Good
Health and Welfare Manufacturing Practice (GMP)/ Good Distribution
Practice (GDP) for drugs and on GMP for
The budget for technological development in
cosmetics, as well as 162 consultations on
2022 was NTD 4.72 billion, accounting for 1.73% of
regulatory affairs for drugs, and 757 documents
MOHW's budget. This funding was mainly used for
for drug safety assessment on clinical trial.
empirical studies, innovation, translational research,
(3) Accomplished the development of high-
and health and welfare data analysis and statistics
throughput polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
compilation in accordance with public health and social
multiple detection techniques for genetically
welfare policies. We commissioned or subsidized 780
modified soybeans and corn, covering 115
research projects, and the actual application rate for
genetically modified items, and published 14 food
technological achievements was 77.82%.
chemistry testing methods. Additionally, expanded
Section 1 Task-Oriented Research to the scope of hazardous substance testing in food
Support Evidence-Based to include 507 targets, providing guidance for
Policymaking border and post-market inspections.
(4) Provided comprehensive support to domestic
1. Population Health Promotion
innovative medical device manufacturers, from
(1) Developed an Artificial Intelligence-assisted tool
product development to verification, through a
for lung cancer registration and early detection
dedicated one-stop service. In 2022, a total of
as well as implemented pilots in hospitals.
9 cases received consultation, with helped to
(2) Collaborated with the government, medical
reduce the time needed for product development
institutions, and professional associations
and market launch. A total of 5 domestically
to develop a home-based blood pressure
manufactured artificial intelligence/machine
management model, aiming to enhance self-
learning-based medical devices have obtained
manage their blood pressure.
licenses and are made available in the market.
(3) Developed the child death review mechanism, 3. Research, Development and Promotion of
integrating quantitative and qualitative data, to Traditional Chinese Medicine
provide insights for prevention and intervention
(1) Promoted the international journal, Journal of
action planning.
Traditional and Complementary Medicine (JTCM),
(4) Optimized the nutrition and health survey in which was included in the SCI Expanded database
Taiwan, responded to the impact of pandemic in April 2021. It became the first SCIE-accredited
by adapting to resilience and resource utilization academic journal in the field of traditional and
flexibility. Developed and completed 237 cases of complementary medicine in our country. In 2022,
digital visit-assisted data collection, implementing 6 issues were published, containing 66 articles.
the digital consent system established by the It consistently improved its ranking in the field
Minister of Health and Welfare and the uploading of Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
of participants' test results to the My Health achieving the 5th position out of 93 journals in
Bank, facilitating independent inquiry and self- 2022. It is classified as a Q1 (top 25%) journal.
health management for the public.
(2) On June 1, 2022, the 4th edition of the
(5) Analyzed the oral health status and issues of Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopoeia for Traditional
adults and elderly population in our country, and Chinese Medicine was implemented. It added
put forth policy recommendations for oral health. 3 monographs on specific Chinese medicinal
2. Food and Drug Management herbs, including Lonicerae Flos, 30 detection
(1) Expanded the functionalities of the integrated pieces, and 7 TCM concentrated preparations
platform for food export hygiene and safety such as Rhubarb concentrated preparation. It
management, providing learning videos on also revised the list of poisonous Chinese Materia
exporting country regulations, processes, factory Medica, adding "Plumbum Rubrum(for external
lists, and export requirements, facilitating the use)" as a new entry.
application process for businesses.