Page 148 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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11 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 11
family intensive household parenting services were employment, and medical resources were provided for
provided. Through demonstration of parenting over 20,000 people.
functions, the MOHW established positive
Section 4 Safeguarding the Elderly and
education awareness and discipline techniques, and
Persons with Disabilities
developed positive interactions between caregivers
and children, to avoid child abuse from happening 1. Program for follow-up and trauma support services
again. In 2022, a total of 466 cases were served. for the protection of the elderly and persons with
disabilities: Granted assistance to NGOs to carry
2. Strengthening child and youth care network
out initiatives encompassing elderly protection case
cooperation: In 2022, the MOHW established 11
management, family relationship restoration, and
regional integrated medical centers for child and
supportive group activities. In 2022, a total of 11
youth protection, providing assistance to 1,742
organizations were granted funding to implement
abused children and youths through examinations,
these programs across 9 counties and cities.
treatments, as well as offering 1,266 sessions of
mind-body therapy. Additionally, a meeting was 2. Pilot program for preventive care services for the
convened in 2022 to strengthen the collaborative protection of the elderly: In an effort to enhance the
mechanism for child and youth protection across connection between reported elderly individuals
networks. During the meeting, uniform management and their communities, as well as protective factors,
indicators were formulated, and scholars and a pilot program was conducted in 5 counties and
experts were entrusted to participate in the cities, namely Yunlin County, Changhua County,
implementation of local government practices, Pingtung County, Hualien County, and Taitung
resulting in the consolidation of practical operational County, in 2022. Community members who
models. displayed enthusiasm and had the capacity to serve
were empowered to assist social workers in visiting
3. The MOHW cooperated with National
and caring for elderly protection cases with low-risk
Communications Commission to establish the
factors. This initiative aimed to reduce the risk of
Institute of Watch Internet Network(iWIN), and
mistreatment due to social isolation and empower
implemented the handling of child and youth
the elderly by promptly providing the necessary
physical and psychological health cases. In 2022,
services they require.
iWIN handled 2,775 appeal cases. 1,662 violations
3. Convened a conference on the coordination of
of child and youth related regulations (60%). 1,223
protection services for the elderly and the disabled:
cases of pornography (44%), and 279 cases
This conference aimed to assist local governments
(10%) of hazardous items. After iWIN received
in implementing policies related to the protection
complaints, it would notify business owners for self-
of the elderly and disabled, as well as to help them
improvement, or put them on the blacklist, and
address practical challenges encountered in their
transfer to competent authorities.
Section 3 Children and Youths Sexual
Section 5 Quality and Education in Child
Exploitation Prevention
and Adolescent, Elderly, and
Enforcing victim protection and assistance: In
Disabled Protection Work
2022, there were 2,955 responsible report cases,
including 1,230 cases (41.44%) by teachers, the 1. Review of serious child and youth abuse cases:
highest; 1,208 cases (40.70%) by the police, the In 2022, 3 conferences were convened to
second highest; and 455 cases (15.33%) by social discuss and examine cases, aiming to identify
workers. There were 2,271 victims, including care systematic or interdepartmental issues. These
visits, psychological consultation, educational discussions included exploring the integration of
guidance, economic subsidization, family encounters, continuing education for medical professionals
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