Page 149 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 149

11                                                                      Gender-Based Violence Prevention and     11
                                                                                           Protective Services

                    on the sensitivity in identifying child and youth   (1)  Organized an elder protection and prevention
                    abuse injuries and enhancing their knowledge of    network consensus camp: In October 2022, a
                    reporting responsibilities. Additionally, efforts were   gathering of 149 network members from central
                    made to strengthen proactive care and improve      and local law enforcement, mental health, long-
                    the timeliness, frequency, and collaboration in    term care, vulnerable families, and protection
                    vaccination for special education students and their   services was convened to enhance cooperation
                    families within schools.                           and consensus among various network units.
                  2. Strengthening of professional child and youth   (2)  Developed a program for neglect recognition
                    protection training:                               tools and referral guidelines for the elderly:

                    (1)  Training for new recruits: In 2022, 2 sessions   Recognizing the challenges in identifying cases of
                       of educational training were conducted for      elderly neglect, the task was entrusted to Chung
                       newly recruited child and adolescent protection   Shan Medical University to develop supportive
                       social workers. The training covered various    tools to assist healthcare professionals, long-
                       topics, including an overview of child and      term care providers, social workers, and
                       adolescent protection services, legal regulations,   others in early detection of cases involving
                       investigation procedures, and intervention service   elderly neglect. This facilitated timely referral to
                       skills. A total of 118 individuals successfully   appropriate service resources or reporting. In
                       completed the training.                         2022, the preliminary draft and pilot testing of the
                                                                       neglect recognition tools and referral guidelines
                    (2)  Education and training for professionals providing
                                                                       for the elderly were completed.
                       support services to disadvantaged adolescents
                       and their families: Through regional supervision,   (3)  Developed and published a program for elderly
                       the challenges encountered in implementing      protection guidelines: In order to establish
                       the programs by various units were discussed,   a localized approach to practice, facilitating
                       aiming to enhance professional knowledge and    social workers in conducting comprehensive
                       improve work capacity. In 2022, a total of 7    assessments and formulating intervention plans
                       sessions were conducted, with 722 participants.  for individuals and their families, the MOHW
                                                                       commissioned the Federation for the Welfare of
                  3. Deepening the quality and education of elder and
                                                                       the Elderly to develop and officially publish the
                    disabled persons' protection work:
                                                                       Elderly Protection Guidelines.

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