Page 141 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 141
Gender-Based Violence Prevention and 11
Protective Services
Chapter 1 Prevention of Gender- Section 2 Reporting System and
Based Violence Information Platform
Gender-based violence (GBV) refers to violent 1. Implemented the statutory responsibility report and
acts directed at an individual in terms of physical, established the National Protection Information
gender, and psychological harms and sufferings. System and Case Management Process Control
Common patterns include intimate partner violence System: "Promoting ECARE Plan." A case tracking
(IPV), sexual assault, sexual harassment, and abuse on management mechanism was put in place, and an
children, elderly people, and persons with disabilities. In information sharing platform was established for the
addition to laws and policies, by establishing a cross- use of a prevention and control network by related
ministerial coordination network, reporting system, and staff.
information platform; raising the awareness of GBV 2. 113 Protection Hotline: In 2022, there were a total
prevention; and encouraging social workers to engage of 92,030 valid consultation cases, with 20,643
in protective social work as full-time and long-term cases (22% of valid cases) reported as protection
profession, we effectively enforce GBV prevention to incidents. Among these, adult protection cases were
build a safe and friendly society. the highest at 12,216 (59%), followed by child and
adolescent protection cases at 7,360 (36%), sexual
Section 1 Inter-departmental Network
assault cases at 632 (3%), and vulnerable families
Integration Mechanism
service cases at 435 (2%), as shown in Figure 11-1.
1. Establish inter-departmental communication
Section 3 Promoting Prevention of
platform: In 2022, three meetings of the Domestic
Gender-Based Violence
Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Promotion
Group were held to review the current promotion 1. Promoted the primary violence prevention plan
of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention in communities: By providing funding assistance,
and put forward suggestions for improving inter- community groups were guided to organize
professional network coordination and intervention localized gender-based violence prevention and
strategy. education activities. In 2022, a total of 22 county
2. The MOHW conducted protection service and city governments were granted subsidies, with
and prevention network inspection project. By 569 communities participating.
assisting and guiding all municipal county and 2. Training community violence prevention lecturers:
city governments with policy implementation and To cultivate community violence prevention lecturers
emphasis, the MOHW upgraded the work quality of that would promote violence prevention in local
protection service. neighborhoods and villages. As of the end of 2022,
Figure 11-1 Case Number of the 113 Protection Hotline, 2022
Services for Adult protection
vulnerable families
Child and adolescent
Sexual assault protection
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare