Page 136 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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10 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 10
Section 1 Community Development including 338,072 men (30.6%) and 766,989 women
Combined with the efforts of the private sector, (69.4%). In the respect of service scope, volunteer
the promotion of welfare community development, the work in the field of health and welfare had the highest
empowerment of community talents, and the selection population (4,468,237) (42.4%), 310,501 (28.1%)
of outstanding communities were carried out. This education volunteer service workers the second highest,
fostered a sense of community awareness among environmental protection type (220,812) (20.0%). A total
residents and elevated their quality of life. Additionally, of 949,740 volunteers had insurance with the rate of
efforts were made to secure funding for forward- 85.9%. 46,165 volunteers held the "Volunteer Service
looking infrastructure to address the diverse care Honor Card," with which holders enjoy free admission
needs of an aging society. The achievements of these to a total of 528 scenic areas nationwide. In 2022, the
endeavors in 2022 are as follows: MOHW honored 7,367 people who have dedicated
themselves to volunteer work for a long time.
1. 6,961 community development associations
In terms of age, 344,019 volunteer workers
nationwide; 3,245 community activity centers.
(accounting for 31.1%) are aged 65 and older, the
2. Implemented flagship programs for welfare community
highest; 264,586 volunteer workers are aged 55-
development, training programs for community human
64, as shown in Figure 10-4. In 2022, they served
resources, and disaster preparedness and mitigation
396,545,742 people, and the duration of service was
campaigns. Provided financial assistance for 20 cases,
89,130,812 hours.
totaling NTD 13,911,000.
In the last 5 years, the number of elderly volunteer
3. Conducted the "National Conference on Community workers has increased year by year, as shown in
Development Services," the "National Welfare Figure 10-5. The number of elderly volunteer workers
Community Development Study Tour," and the in the elderly population of Taiwan is also increasing
"National Conference on Community Empowerment year by year, as shown in Figure 10-6. This shows
Centers," with a total of 1,170 participants. that the number of elderly volunteer workers has been
4. Conducted the selection for the "Outstanding increasing in recent years, and the government's
Community Development" in 2022, with the efforts to encourage elderly volunteerism is a success.
participation of 44 communities from 12 cities and Servicing aged elderly people with young elderly people
counties in the northern region. The evaluation can not only encourage volunteerism engagement in
resulted in 2 communities receiving the Silver society but also create elderly opportunities, wisdom
Excellence Award, 3 communities receiving the inheritance, and social inclusiveness.
Bronze Excellence Award, 10 communities receiving
Section 3 Charity Donations Destined for
the Excellence Award, 10 communities receiving
Social Welfare Funds
the Merit Award, 12 communities receiving the
Distinction Award, and 4 communities receiving the In order to manage the behavior of contribution
Service and Innovation Award. solicitation, and to properly utilize social resources, the
government issued "Charity Donations Destined For
5. A sum of NTD 1,455,157,000 was subsidized
Social Welfare Funds Implementation Regulations" in
for the refurbishment project of a total of 274
2006. It stipulates that contribution solicitation activities
community activity centers under the Forward-
shall be initiated for social and welfare services, cultural
Looking Infrastructure-Long-Term Care MOHW
and educational undertakings, social charity, foreign
Stations Refurbishment Project to deploy long-
aid, international humanitarian assistance, and other
term care service stations to expand the capacity of
undertakings affirmed by other competent authorities.
community service.
In 2022, the MOHW approved 652 applications for
Section 2 Volunteer Service
donations from 576 groups, with a total of donations
To promote voluntary service development, apart amounting to NTD 6,188,406,671, 22 cases (3.5%)
from promulgating the "Volunteer Service Act" in 2001. more than that in 2021. The actual amount of funds
There were 1,105,061 (4.8% of the total population) decreased by NTD 2,506,118,064 (28.8%). (Table
volunteers organized into 20,400 volunteer groups 10-5 shows the details).
nationwide in 2022 as shown in Figure 10-3. These
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