Page 132 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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10 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 10
through the cooperation between the government (61.0%) deposit NTD 1,250/month. The amount of
and poor families, parents of eligible children can savings accumulates NTD 1,480,431,703.
deposit up to NTD 15,000 a year, and the government Social workers provided care visits, psychological
contributes the same amount. Besides encouraging support, follow-up guidance, counseling services, and
families in poverty to make long-time savings (18 years), administrative assistance to individuals who had not
education of financial management and family services made deposits for six consecutive months or more, in
are provided. During the saving process, social workers order to understand the situations of these account-
will accompany and provide guidance for these families holding households and enhance the account deposit
to reduce the risks that families or children or youth may rate. In 2022, social workers conducted visits to a total
encounter. After the program began on June 1, 2017, of 4,575 individuals who had not made deposits for six
the president promulgated the "Act Governing Savings consecutive months or more.
Accounts for Future Education and Development of
Children and Youth" on June 6, 2018 to optimize the Chapter 2 Social Work
program's legality. Social workers are an important foundation for
As of the end of 2022, a total of 26,726 people the government to promote welfare policies. While
applied for account opening, with an application rate of all social welfare policies and measures need social
60%, as shown in Figure 10-1, including 9,342 children workers to promote, apart from making efforts in
and youth from low-income families (34.9%), 16,482 enriching the workforce, optimizing the labor conditions
children and youth from middle-low-income families and benefits, and protecting the personal safety of
(61.7%), and 902 children and youth from long-term social workers, the MOHW includes the dangerous
placement (3.4%). In terms of deposit amount, 5,990 profession compensation as part of the salary of social
people (22.4%) deposit NTD 500/month, 4,431 people workers to ensure that the remuneration system of
(16.6%) deposit NTD 1,000/month, and 16,304 people social workers is reasonable, in order to improvement
Children Future Education and Development Account (CFEDA) Number of
Figure 10-1
Applicants and Account Opening Rate Over the Years
Number of Applicants
Account Opening Rate
30,000 70%
25,000 56%
54% 26,726
20,000 44% 21,924
15,000 31% 17,023
10,000 11,675
0 0%
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Year
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